Wigan Album
Queen's Hall, Market Street, Wigan
6 CommentsPhoto: RON HUNT
Item #: 31410
It was very ornate for a Methodist congregation, usually their chapels were quite plain if truth were told. On my mother's side her grandmother and daughter attended the Queens Hall, one of her aunts played the organ I believe. Her name I think was Margaret Yates But not too sure. Just what I was told years ago. My Grt grandmother died in her 90s and there was a photo of her in the newspaper of her death and about her attendance at the Queen's Hall she was a staunch Methodist and lived in Grt George St at one time. What a shame it was demolished for the bus station!
Veronica I have more information and photographs, which I'll put on the site in due course, when I get around to scanning it in<g>
Thanks Ron, I am sad I never went in the old Queen's Hall ( being Catholic)! I have been in the new one since though.
Remember when young going up to the top and looking down, it was awesome and high, like being in the gods of a theatre. The flea and antique markets which were held in the massive room under there were popular as were the jumble sales, Wigan lost a real gem of a building when the rear part of the hall was demolished.
We used to have our school speech days here from Hindley and Abram Grammar in the 1960's.A very ornate building but they were so unbelievably boring.
Brilliant building! the downstairs was identical with a small balcony and stage, not the same anymore.