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Marsh Green


St Barnabas Mission Church and School
St Barnabas Mission Church and School
Views: 5,943
Item #: 30198
Photograph of St, Barnabas Mission Church and School Date unknown

Comment by: Hurricane on 9th February 2018 at 22:12

What year would this be?..and is it on the site of the new church?

Comment by: Anne Melling on 10th February 2018 at 17:02

New church not on the same site, this was at bottom of Marsh Green opposite the Chinese restaurant (or what once was Bridgewater pub)

Comment by: Hurricane on 11th February 2018 at 11:30

Thank you Ann, i've lived on Marsh green 58yrs and this is the first time i've seen this pic,obviously before my time.

Comment by: Cyril on 11th February 2018 at 17:11

It was still there in the early 1960s Hurricane, though 58 years ago you was probably still a young child when it was demolished to make way for the row of houses along marsh Green and the two houses on the corner which originally were police houses, the two on the opposite corner were also police houses.

I remember when Brooke Bond Tea came to there showing films of their PG Tips Chimps tea party TV advertisements, it was more than likely a nationwide publicity stunt, when the new church opened a friend and myself helped Mr Ashton to load his cart with chairs etc. to take up there, he was a greengrocer who went around the streets selling with his horse and cart.

Comment by: hurricane on 12th February 2018 at 14:48

Can't remember it Cyril, i was 6yrs old in 1960 when we moved to Marsh green. Bridgewater pub was there and i seem to remember the police houses were there too, so i think you must be mistaken, surely it's gotta be before that.

Comment by: Anne Melling on 12th February 2018 at 20:15

Cyril is correct Hurricane I moved to Marsh Green in 59/60 and it was there then, and was still in use until the new church opened further up the road it was the daughter church to St.Mark's, he is also right about Mr. Ashton he was my friend's granddad.

Comment by: Aubrey on 20th February 2018 at 14:33

The ‘police houses’ were built 1962/63. I moved into my house, as the first tenant, in 1964, then bought the house in 1969. I am still there but the only ex police officer.

Comment by: JR on 29th May 2020 at 17:39

Just came across this which brings back memories. I moved to Marsh Green in 1959. I remember the church when it had closed. There were huge timbers supporting a wall. Also, near to the Bridgewater pub were a few terraced houses and also some allotments, hen pens, etc.

Comment by: Paul on 22nd May 2021 at 18:32

Well before my time(born in 1972) but I remember the newer St Barnabus Church that used to face the bottom shops

Comment by: June née Ashton now Carney on 12th July 2023 at 20:12

Mr Ashton ,Billy.was my dad .local boxer in 1940 s ,Northern fly weight champion in 1951.marsh green special place to me .many fond memories.

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