Wigan Album
Item #: 29869
That is not Mesnes Road and it never was Mesnes Road, today it is Bridgeman Terrace, but originally it was known as Park View .
The road in the foreground is, or used to be, Mesnes St.
Mesnes St postal addresses continued up to the junction with Wrightington St/Mesnes Park Terrace.
I used to deliver the post around there years ago.
It still is Mesnes St Trevor. Mabbs Cross house between Wrightington St and Upper Dicconson St has the address 77 to 83 Mesnes St.
Looks like the chap who took the photo got Mesnes St and Mesnes Rd mixed up.
Roland’s mill in the distance at the start of Kenyan road.
Is it not Mesnes Rd prior to the junction with Walkden Ave to the right and Walkden Ave East to the left. The continuation being Bridgeman Terrace with Rylands Mill in the distance?.
Jack - it's definitely the end of Mesnes St, and the start of Bridgeman Terrace.
That's Mesnes Park Lodge on the left, on the corner of Mesnes Park Terrace, and across the road, 'Claremont', on the corner of Wrightington St.
Mick. You are right. I must have had a senior moment. I can now see the park gates. Thanks.
Alan.H. I believe the mill was named Ryland's Mill. Just a minor point.
It is Mesnes Street up to the junction with Wrightington Street and Mesnes Park Terrace and then it becomes Bridgeman Terrace until just before the junction with Swinley Road and then it is Kenyon Road up to the junction with Walkden Avenue and Walkden Avenue East, THEN it becomes Mesnes Road up to the junction with Wigan Lane at the Cherry Gardens roundabout ...
Albert, a typo, I knew it was Rylands Mill, didn’t check before posting.
I remember going on an errand to Wrightington St when I worked for Aspinall's Artisans in Mesnes St. It was their house and when I rang the bell it was a maid who answered the door...I was a bit 'gob smacked' to say the least. The houses seemed quite posh though. I found out years later that Mr Aspinall had flown Spitfires during the war.
"Aspinall's Artistic Artisans". I also worked there in the mid 1970s, Veronica.
I found myself doing a fair week's work for a fair day's pay, and moved on after a couple of months.
My first wage in 1961 was £2 12s 6d Mick - I left after about 3 months,!!
I wonder how much the maid was getting Veronica?
She probably had free board and lodging in the broom cupboard and one day off. Age 15 then was not like now Dtease - thrown in at the deep end straight from school! When you think that wage then would just buy a coffee in Valerie's Patisserie the new cafe in Debenhams!
Going up Bridgeman Terrace at the end of the park was the entrance to Rylands mill Known as " Rylands Lobby" And as a small boy I remember my father in his Morris 8 getting stuck up there along with others in one of the old Pea Souper fogs.
Correct Stuart