Wigan Album
Boars Head
Photo: Bill Eatock
Item #: 28708
Well done Bill. How's that done.
The passenger coaches would have been burgundy not green.
Southern Railway Green Coaches, these look like London-Glasgow Caledonian Rolling Stock, should be Redish colour.
Wasn't sure what livery that unit had, so I plumped for green, as I found a photo of one in that colour. Can soon change it!
Its done via this website. http://www.colorizephoto.com/
Anyone interested can access the modified photo here. Save WiganWorld having to republish. :http://imgur.com/a/PhxGW
I couldn't give a damn what colour the carraiges should or shouldn't be, brilliant job Bill, but unfortunately unable to please the railway anoraks, we dont all, eat, sleep and drink puffer trains !!!
I think that Blob person has escaped from somewhere!
Sorry, carriages !!
Blob they are called ROLLING STOCK. Carriages is what horses pull.
Garry, i'm 75, when i was younger they were carriages and as far as i'm concerned they still are.
When I was younger coaches where large vehicles, 55 seaters. We use to go to Blackpool on them before the M6 was built. They still call them Coaches. Happy days.
Garry, get your facts right ; a carriage is a railway passenger vehicle, unless of course the Oxford dictionary is wrong !!!
Garry, they were "sharras" (charabancs)
The Queen's rolling stock looks good too, they are called Pullman!
Garry get your grammar right coaches were large vehicles not where large vehicles. Pullman has nothing to do with the Queen but with the American George Pullmam.
Jack go and find Jill!!
Garry, you don't even know your nursery rhymes never mind railway carriages.
You're right Jacko, I'm a bit more clever and wiser than that.
Garry-you're good!!
Garry, why have you changed your name to Ann?.
I haven't, Ann is my good lady friend.lol.
Poor Garry. He still doesn't seem to grasp just how inane and childish many of his comments are. He also, doesn't like to lose an argument. Reading between the lines... (not the railway ones!) He comes across as, either - a Troll, or someone who spends too much time on his own. As a wise person once said: It takes all sorts to make a World!" Even if that World is Wiganworld!
Nothing at all to do with Troll, Christine and I'm not Poor. If I believe I'm right which most of the time I am, I will fight my corner. I don't give a toss who or what Tom, Dick and Harry thinks. If for some rare occasion I am wrong, I will apologise on the post.
Now most of you are spoiling this great post of railway history kindly sent in by Bill Eatock.