Wigan Album
Giants Hall Pit
12 CommentsPhoto: Graham
Item #: 27403
Amazing shot Graham. A moment caught in time. Wondering about the Giants hall reference . Was there once a manor or such near here?
GW there still is a Giants Hall on Standish Wood lane
That's a cracking photo Graham, spot on. I know Speckled Holly, walked past it many times, but not sure about Giants Hall.
Still on the map.Cheers Mick. This be one of your Giants "vast and trunkless legs of stone"a'comin'down, Ozymandias.
' Nothing beside remains : round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.'
You haven't credited the poet Ozy I would like to know who it is please.
How remiss of me, apologies veebee. Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1792 - 1822 he died at the age of 29, poor sod. Don't forget to check out Horace Smith's version, as quoted in part by the reverend David Long. I can not for the life of me decide which version I prefer. Check 'em both out. It's all about learning. Is it not?
Your image has created some poetic banter Graham. I wonder if Smith or Shelley ever wandered down Standish Wood Lane["Holding the wolf in chase"]...Learning???..I just like muckin' around Ozzy.
"The world`s decay where the
wind`s hands have passed,
And my head, worn out with love,
at rest
In my hands,and my hands full
of dust.
Well I don't remember my father,other relatives and neighbours, their clogs clattering down Acacia Cresent on their way home,discussing the juxtaposition of under lying metaphors within victorian poetry. How times change eh.
My Dad who worked there said two giants fought there and there's a boulder with huge fingerprints that can be seen nearbu
Mary Edith Moran you didn't have a relative Kathleen did you?
Who was your Dad please? I can be contacted on sarahwwildbore@gmail.com many thanks. Sarah x