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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Central Station


Central Station
Central Station
Views: 3,090
Item #: 26481
Photograph taken in 1965 after the station had closed.

Comment by: Jarvo on 17th May 2015 at 15:35

Were engines turned at Lower Ince shed?

Comment by: Eric on 17th May 2015 at 17:07

There was a turntable jarvo

Comment by: A B on 17th May 2015 at 19:57

The turntable was at the side of the canal The engine would uncouple from the carriages travelsnd reverse past them from the station, pass the signal box beside the canal ,over the canal bridge into a siding onto the turntable which would be physically pushed round by the driver and fireman,and the engine would return to the station station in reverse to couple up to what had been the last carriages As children we played on this turntable and repeatedly warned of the dangers and chased off by the signal man (Or as it was in the war Signalwomen)

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