Wigan Album
Central Station
12 CommentsPhoto: RON HUNT
Item #: 26480
A side tanker Didn't some locomotives' on this line have strange shaped funnels?
Do you mean a (coffee pot) Albert?
Yes, Eric, if that is the terminology for it. It tapered from the top to the base.
This isn't a 'coffee pot'. That name was given to a Fowler 0-6-0. And where was the turntable?
That was the nickname Albert,and I didn't mention it was this engine jarvo
Tunetable was where old kwiksave use to be at lower Ince.
Eric. Did these "coffee pot" funnels make the locomotive more efficient, or was it just the designer's whim?
We lived off Darlington Street East and in the late 1950s as young boys we would go across the Rec (now St Pats RLFC) jump across t he bywash to the dwaste land (some call it the Chimic) and go an play on the turnatable I think you are talking about. It was always unattended and I ca,t recall any engines on it.
I shudder to think what modern parents would be called for letting 8 year olds out like that , but it was the norm then. We were told not to jump the bywas but we all did it.
Jumped that by-wash many times Carolaen, in the late forties, very early fifties, going from my grandmother's in Ince Green Lane, to my uncle's, in Harper Street.
Sorry Albert ,don't know that one ,we just called them coffee pots when we was kids trainspotting
Played around the turntable as a boy. If you crossed the canal at the lock at the bottom of Leigh St the footpath then had a bricked up pit shaft on the left and a fence on the right made of sleepers and behind which was the turn table No power to it, there was hand gear wheel
albert,wigan lower ince had a number of j10 class locos,which where lner locos based at 13g wli shed.these where used for coal/general goods trains on the gc line.
these locos did have tall tapering chimneys.
wigan lower ince closed in 1952 and most of its allocation of engines was transferred to springs branch.