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Boars Head


Wigan Lane towards Boars Head
Wigan Lane towards Boars Head
Photo: aitch
Views: 3,547
Item #: 23475
Another from Wigan Lane towards The Boars head.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 16th May 2013 at 05:47

What a wonderful picture aitch....would look lovely in my album....The Boars Head was my Mum and Dads favourite watering hole.....Thankyou aitch....cheers!!!!

Comment by: Albert. on 16th May 2013 at 11:49

Aitch. Forgive me for being trifling in my comment. If that building on the right hand side is the "Boar's Head" would not the foreground of the photograph, be Wigan Road, prior to joining Wigan Lane?.

Comment by: Alan H on 16th May 2013 at 14:12

Albert , the tram is near Marylebone,about 100 yards from the Cherry Gardens, The brick walls still exist.

Comment by: nigb on 16th May 2013 at 14:37

The photo looks as if it was taken near Wigan Infirmary,the nurses home behind the wall on the right.The wall on the left is The front of the Plantations.The tram is heading towards the Cherry Gardens, the are opposite Marylebone Park.

Comment by: aitch on 16th May 2013 at 17:26

sorry for the misinformation, but the photo is indeed near to Marylebone, just beyond the entrance to the plantations, with the Infirmary on the left

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 16th May 2013 at 22:33

aitch, no need to apolgise, this is looking towards
Boars Head, but a distance from it!

Comment by: Art on 31st May 2013 at 01:25

Funny enough, opposite Marylebone park, is Maribonne. confusing 'innit. The shop on the corner (now a house) was the Maribonne Stores.
Incidentally, in the bungalows opposite the park, a gentleman by the name of "Greenwood" (greenwoods gents outfitters), owned two racehorses: Marylebone Park & Wigan Park. I used to take him over to the Wirral stables to visit his horses..

Comment by: elizabeth ashall nee martlew on 11th May 2018 at 20:53

on the right handside behind the wall was the hollies owned by my aunt and uncle George and doris mccandlish wedding reception and any big event were held there during the 40s and 50s now a housing development

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