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Wigan Album

Mason's Hollow

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"Mason's Hollow" 1953/54
Photo: Keith
Views: 2,329
Item #: 22045
I must have been reading too many football annuals on how you should be positioned to kick a football. This was taken in"Masons Hollow" where we usually played hours of cricket rather than football. It is situated just off Manchester Road, Ince. The building behind I believe was John Mason, Established 1868, Wholesale Confectioners and Bakers of Clarington Brook Steam Bakery, Ince. Their name was emblazoned on the wall but is just out of shot. They were, according to their advert, wholesale agents in Wigan and District for Brogden's famous jams and "the great cleanser" Parazone bleach. They also proclaimed that "all goods are manufactured by us are pure, and turned out on the latest scientific and sanitary principles." Clarington brook was visible down at the hollow before it disappeared into the culvert underground, it marked the boundary between Ince and Wigan Borough.

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