Wigan Album
6 CommentsPhoto: cindy
Item #: 21567
The photo also nearly shows the large Noel Chadwick sign errected in front of the Pub name on the gable end to the right of the photo. Petty or what ?
Petty is not the word Standisher, it,s worse than that, i,ve never seen a more spiteful act, ever!! Just what have they got to gain by doing that only the wrath of the day to day Standish people, i,ve detested it from the day it was erected.
It went up shortly after the pub put their sign on the gable end after refurbishment. Chadwicks retaliated by putting up their sign which completely hid the pub sign. Whats worse, they left their sign totaly blank for years. I could have understood it if they had been advertising their business, but to go to the cost to have the sign post put up and then not use it, makes my blood boil !!!!
It's okay saying it's petty, but didn't the owners of the pub erect the sign from Chadwick's land without first asking permission to come onto the land to do so, you wouldn't like your neighbour to come onto your land to do work on their house without first asking your permission first would you.
Cyril Chadwick?
There is a law (Access to Neighbouting Land Act 1992) which allows access to a neighbour's land (without permission) for work on one's property.