Wigan Album
Photo: Keith Douglas
Item #: 21551
I have attempted to pursuade the Council to remove the redundant post to the right but with no success!
Looks like the council have sunk that stone into the concrete. Surely they could've set it a bit better than that?
The redundant post should be removed and the Boundary marker should be raised up a bit out of the tarmac.
It wouldnt be left like that if it was in London.
Quite right, but then again London has a properly elected Mayor who probably would respect the publics wishes, unlike Lord Haw Haw and his self appointed "Cabinet Cronies" who are spending our money like water down at the Town Hall.Sorting out such trivia as this wouldn't even make to the Councils "Question Time" which is vetted by......yes you've guessed it, Lord Haw Haw and his pals.
The boundary at this point is the meeting place of 2 dioceses, 2 parishes and 2 hundreds. Try and name them all!
The two Parishes are Standish and Wigan, the two Diocese are Standish/Blackburn and Wigan/Liverpool, the two hundreds are Standish/Leyland and Wigan/West Derby.Is that correct Keith?
Well done Roy. Six out of six.