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Some of the Crispin regulars circa 1952.
Some of the Crispin regulars circa 1952.
Photo: Keith Bowen
Views: 4,178
Item #: 1766
Some of the Crispin regulars circa 1952.

Back left to right:- ?, - Holding, ?, Tommy Banks, ?, Bob Anglesey, John? Burgess

Front, left to right, --?, - Parry, Bob Gannon, - - ?, Jimmy Priest, with hands resting on shoulders of Arthur Burgess, --?, Bill Bennett (he worked at the Clarington Forge which was literally across the road).

The Crispin Arms was known as a "jerry" pub (sp?), which apparently referred to the fact that it sold only beer, it did not have a licence to sell spirits.

Comment by: E Mc on 5th April 2020 at 23:53

Could one of the men on the front row be Ernie Halliday from Lorne St.

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