Photos of Wigan
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The Shamrock Pub, Scholes, mid to late 1950s.
Photo: Patrick Healy
Photo: Patrick Healy
Views: 6,420
Item #: 1757
Item #: 1757
The Shamrock Pub, on the corner of Scholes and Wellington Street, mid to late 1950s.
I was born in the shamrock 29.4.1957 My John Patrick Conway and Mother Margaret (Peggy) Conway had the pub for about 5 years, we moved from there to the white swan pub in Scholes about 1960
Comment by: Tom Walsh on 5th February 2012 at 18:00
What a well kept pub., steps white with rubbing stone , white sham blinds and curtains a credit a credit to the landlord and landlady . The car belonged to my cousin John Kileen, it was a great treat in those days to be able to sit inside a car.
Comment by: Veronica on 18th September 2018 at 15:20
So many photos of Old Scholes - my heart aches looking at them- what a treasure trove they are. I have been looking at these pictures ever since they were put on this site and never tire of looking at them....
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