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Down Scholes from top of Greenough Street, 1960s.
Down Scholes from top of Greenough Street, 1960s.
Photo: Ron Dawber
Views: 9,932
Item #: 1740
Down Scholes from top of Greenough Street, 1960s.

Comment by: Joan Beckett(Wilding) on 29th March 2009 at 22:41

I'm sure our doctors surgery (Dr. Johnsons) was at the top of Greenough St)

Comment by: joe thomas ex scholes on 10th June 2009 at 18:50

yes dr johnson s was near the top on the corner opposite the windmill pub was reg sutton s farther down greenough st was a shop called lenegan s any relation to wigan rugby chairman

Comment by: dorothy on 16th May 2010 at 21:20

You are right Joan. Dr Johnsons was on the right at the top of Greenough St.(Looking down the hill) He used to stride across from one surgery room to another, and was quite tall, to me anyway. He was our family doctors and was well respected. Apparently moving further up Scholes to a newer building after his old one was pulled down. My Dad used to carry me up Greenough St on his back, when I got tired. Only tiny then, after visiting the fair & pot sales. Good times .

Comment by: pat dobson formerly walker on 1st May 2012 at 18:38

i lived just a bit further down in swan terrace same st. as billy and joe mcfarlane

Comment by: JohnAlan on 14th June 2012 at 11:07

Again great memories, corporation buses, no traffic to speak of and no lights at bottom of Scholefield Lane. Still use Johnson's doctors although now of course it is Longshoot Health Centre. Scholes was a rough place to grow up and live in but what a place, what a community, packed full of great memories. Tragic to look at it now. Those responsible (if still living) should be tarred and feathered and made to walk up and down Scholes. Scholeshenge I ask you? What will they think of next?

Comment by: Sue (McGarty) on 11th March 2014 at 16:58

I lived in Regent Street (now Sullivan Way) off Greenough Street and walked to St Pat's to school every day and to my grandparents (Mother and Father) Paddy and Alice Dyer's in Bradshawgate. When they moved from Bradshawgate to Baron Street we walked to there up "Primrose Hill", by the "castle wall" through Longshoot. They seemed such big open spaces and long distances for little legs. Our Tony taught me to play bowls on the bowling green at Longshoot, with Mick, Paul, Neil and Seamus Lyons. Our Drs were Dr Hoey, then Dr Ince and Mills whose surgery was on the corner of Regent/Greenough St. There was a corner shop in Regent Street run by Mrs Sherrington, whose daughter,Muriel was a registrar. My dad was a good friend of Isherwood, the reclusive artist who had a shop in Greenough Street,

Comment by: Thomas Heaton on 17th September 2015 at 20:03

I was born in Caunce Street but left Wigan in 1966. I went to St.Georges School and know well Great Acre Park and its swings (call it the Bowling Green). Jumped off the castle walls many a time - and nearly broke my neck. Made fires on the "Breyd" above.

Comment by: CailĂ­n on 4th February 2020 at 12:53

Hi Sue (McGarty), I see this is an old post from 2014 but hope it is still active..
Sue you mention your grandparents Alice and Paddy Dyer...my grandaunt was Alice McGowan originally Sligo m. Patrick Dyer...they lived in Wigan,very possible same family. I posted a photo on this site of John Dyer their son taken 1946..if you see this I would be delighted to hear from you...thank you

Comment by: John conway on 4th June 2020 at 22:48

I believe that the pub in this picture is the white swan, which my parents John And Peggy conway Were landlords of, from1960 to 1963, when the pub closed its doors,

Comment by: gary speakman on 16th June 2021 at 13:55

Anyone have a picture of Gibraltar Inn, 223 Scholes. Two separate families related to me lived in rooms above the pub in 1939.

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