Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan
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Wigan Album
Beech Hill
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Photo: Keith
Photo: Keith
Views: 1,829
Item #: 17114
Item #: 17114
My father seen here raking the coal fired boiler at the Wellfield Hotel (in the mid fifties) where he was landlord. The smaller boiler on the right was for hot water. It was a nightmare especially during winter months to continually feed the boiler with coke. I can't remember exactly how much coke used to be delivered but perhaps 5 to 10 tons at a time, it was hard work, let alone running a large pub as well. It was a blessing when the boiler was converted to an oil fired operation. Perhaps someone out there can identify if that is asbestos lagging around the pipes but the most dangerous aspect remained the carbon monoxide fumes which at times percolated up the stairs from the cellar with potential serious consequences.
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