Wigan Album
Marsh Green
Photo: Anthony Highton
Item #: 1504
I knew this place wasn't just a figment of my imagination!! I remember going there with my dad and being aloud to look down into what I assume was the red hot furness
I also remember looking into those kilns Linda. We lived next door to the watchman Mr Jolley who took my brother, sister and myself into the works one evening, he introduced us to another man who explained to us what went on in there, I remember when he opened up a cover of sorts in the floor and down in the depths was an amazing sight (well to our young minds it was) a very scorching hot really red glow. He also showed us inside some kilns that had supposedly cooled down, the bricks inside where still quite hot to touch though.
Cyril,,, that nightwatch man who took you to them brickworks was my dad, harry jolley..cheers Bill
It's great to see a picture of the brickworks. Wonder if there are any more around? I used to go 'cockeying' with my dad when I was 6 years old in the ponds there and later when I was 15 I worked there for a short while with David Cunliffe from Norley. Thanks for putting on the photo, Anthony.
Boy the old brickworks! Remember Red Cloggs. That brings back memories.
i remember falling off 1 of the roofs their with my mate frank lisky when i was about 7yrs old
Robert, around the mid 1960s Geoff Traynor also went through an asbestos roof at the brickworks, he was quite badly injured too and spent many weeks in hospital.
Hi bobby, I remember it well. We had seen a kestrel nest about half way up the chimney in the picture. You and frank said you were going to try and get to it and you were both badly injured.
I remember going over the old brick work also wacking school and playing on pipes