Wigan Album
Hawkley Hall
Photo: Ron Hunt
Item #: 1206
Well Ron, another great picture. Where DO you get them all from?????
i remember going to the hall when carr lane was a dirt track
I used to deliver papers there when I was 14 ( 1964 ) It looked a bit different then though.
I am trying to find out more about this house as it was in my family can u help?
were about was the hall?
The Hall was at the end of Carr Lane, Marus Bridge. The lane still exists, as the main road through an estate, it was previously a rough pathway. I guess the Hall was demolished in the late 60's early 70's
it must have been demolished in the late 60's as i grew up on the estate and used to play in the ruins of the hall and all over the fields and around the flashes
My family moved to Wigan in 1969 the hall was approximately
300 yard from the road and facing the shops, it was still lived in then.
My mother's mother was a Gore and her ancestors lived in the Hall and farmed pre-1899. I gather it was a communal sort of life with various parcels of land attached farmed by residents in the hall which were several families at the same time. My ancestors were Gores
Ron I've said on another photo that a girl who lived here was in our class at St Joseph's in the late forties.
I remember playing here as a Child with my Friends, Ian & Derek Finch, Linda Madden, Billy Kelly among other Friends. My Mum sent me an old cutting from the Wigan Observer a few years ago where I was mentioned along with some other Friends from School (st. Jameses) who helped clean the stream and surrounding area up. This photo brings back some very fond memories. Thank you so much for posting this picture and bringing all my memories flooding back.
i rememember that butiful old mansion shame on those responsable for pulling it down
I remember playing in the ruins with my friends and also in some old canteen like buildings we felt very daring but sure we shouldn't have been trespassing I was brought up in Mesnes Avenue in a police house so my Dad would have been furious had he known
I went to st james's school . me and my friends use to play around the hall . i rememember the farm buildings at the back . great times , this was in the early 70s.
Hello! I'm researching my ancestry as it relates to the Molynoux family of Sefton, Croxteth and Hawkley Hall circa 1600. A legend told to me by a descendant has it that
"Lord Sefton fell in love with one of the kitchen maids. Sadly, because of the class system he wasn't allowed to marry her. He therefore did the next best thing, bought Hawkley Hall for her and raised a family, our ancestors, with her there. When she died she was buried in the graveyard at a church in Upholland".
I'm trying to fix the date of the purchase of Hawkley Hall by the Molyneuxs. If it falls to around 1600 - 1607, then the maid described above may well be my 12th great grandmother, Margrette Hope. She was the mother of Jane Molyneux Farley, who was purportedly the child of one "Sir John Molyneux". Any assistance or ideas would be deeply appreciate!
No one mentioned the explosive works down at the bottom of Carr lane. I worked in the case making department. Happy times. Then when they built houses. We bought one on the right hand side. Atholl Grove. The hall had been partly demolished when i worked there. But on moving into our newly built house. It had all been taken down. I worked part time at Saint Judes.
In response to Julia Kreck's message of 28/11/2020; I remember visiting Hawkely Hall in 1950s to see my father's uncle who lived there and was farming the land. His name was William Jameson. I also remember when we lived in Ormskirk in 1950s there was a family of Molyneuxs farming nearby and my father said they were his counsins. Can you add anything to these recollections, Julia?
We were one of the very first family's to move into a council house in Walpole Ave ,in 1954 , back then all there was was a path up to the old HALL . either all the way up nothing but farmer's fields . Totally unrecognisable today , back then we went up the "path" which then led onto all the various ponds and you could walk for miles it was truly a great place then. Today the walks have been reduced albiet there are still some walking places beyond and over the canal bridge ,oh happy days of my youth .......