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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Market Place, Wigan


Living Wigan 1902, after the water event the steam tram prepares to move on.
Living Wigan 1902, after the water event the steam tram prepares to move on.
Photo: Keith Bowen
Views: 2,161
Item #: 11216
The film was shown as part of a two hour show at the Town Hall, before the film of the Coronation celebrations which had taken place some 10 days earlier. I believe a typical entry price was six pence, possibly the equivalent of £10 today. Later, the filmmakers found it was possible to charge £20 which enabled the “better off” to see the film early so they didn’t have to mix with the “riff raff”!!

Comment by: Linda on 20th July 2009 at 11:42

Aren't these pics taken from the moving films I've seen on you tube? the crowd gets sprayed with water in this one trying to do a key stone kops take off! Same with the springfeild park ones, there is one guy who makes sure he is in every shot! so funny

Comment by: Keith Bowen on 21st July 2009 at 09:05

Quite right Linda, you can view the film at

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