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Wigan Album

Brick Kiln Lane, Wigan


Brick Kiln Lane, Wigan
Brick Kiln Lane, Wigan
Photo: Part of Syd and Trevor Smith's Archive
Views: 4,431
Item #: 19597
Brick Kiln Lane, Wigan, 1985.

Comment by: bill g on 14th January 2012 at 18:01

Is that the door of the Whitesmiths?

Comment by: Ron Hunt on 14th January 2012 at 21:20

Yep it is. I think that was the entrance to the upstairs cafe I used to go there sometime when I worked at John England's for my dinner. Superb chips<g>

Comment by: irene roberts on 15th January 2012 at 18:53

I used to go there too, Ron, when I worked at Debenhams, 1973-76. I can't remember if they had "that" vinegar-bottle for those delicious chips, though!

Comment by: Bill Morton on 7th December 2019 at 19:52

I went to school to St Johns in Brick Kiln Lane. On the left shortly up the Lane was an alley where Westheadsa toffee works was. The building on the right behind the Whitesmiths was a garage

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