Wigan Album
Wigan Flood Alleviation (FAS) Phase 1&2.
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Photo: Barrie.
Item #: 31738
In the year 2000 there were floods down there then, when the river was actually higher than in the photograph, when the river was actually covering the bottom of that bridge to a depth of about six inches, but the next bridge along to it, which was built as part of the 1999 Saddle Gyratory Junction Scheme, and that bridge was not touched by the river, and by comparing the two bridges at that time, it looked like the new bridge outside of Asda, had been built to be about eighteen inches higher than the existing Adam Bridge, which was nearly underwater, and at the time I had walked down to Newtown to view the flooding, because the traffic was gridlocked, with the road under the Seven Stars railway bridge being closed, due to it being flooded to a depth of about three feet by the floodwater.