Wigan Album
Wigan Flood Alleviation (FAS) Phase 1&2.
Photo: Barrie
Item #: 31653
In its place in 2008 a replacement steel bridge was sited.
I recall the old bridge where we crossed to go to the woods. It was much more open. Further back on the left where the brownish railings are there was a cobbled path and stone steps. These led from the street above. It's sad to see it all like that. It's many, many years since I went down there.
His there anyone who knows how to up load a DVD on to wiganworld, i shot a video in 1997 and the river was that high it was going over that bridge, Veronica the bridge your thinking of was on the bend near Eckersleys mill just after the water fall.
JG the bridge that has been taken down on the photo was as you walked from Greenough St ( near the men's Urinals) I walked along there many,many times on both sides. The paths are nearly obliterated with vegetation. On the right side looking at the photo a bit further up ,was the football ground, I knew it like the back of my hand.
You have got me thinking now JG. I could have swore it was the bridge after the Greenough St bridge, towards the common at the bottom of Coppul Lane. It's a long, long time ago..
Veronica, is this the bridge which backed onto the school yard at the rear of St.Georges school on one side and on the other side the back of one of the Central Park stands?
That's what I was thinking Derek, but not sure now....
Veronica and Derek, I think you've got the wrong bridge. This isn't the Waterside between Copppull Lane and Greenough Street. I think this is Poolstock.
Thank you Tuddy you are right, I believe you can still walk down the waterside at the right side of the Greenough St Bridge though. (Near Tesco's)?
Tuddy; I think you are spot on eckersleys factory in the background;river flowing through potteries towards ADAM BRIDGE
I couldn't recognise that to be Fourteen Meadows Road, though it'll be around 50 years since I last walked along there, when the Queen's Head played darts matches at The Honeysuckle, however I can't recall a footbridge being there, either time playing tricks or it was the nectar imbibed at The Honeysuckle that dulled my sight.
The view is looking East towards what used to be Pottery Terrace & Fourteen Meadows Road (further up the river was phase 1B of the scheme on F M Rd.) The pathway stills continues to the old mills.
That's right Veronica, there's still a footpath past where Central Park was.
The land on the other side of the bridge used to be used for allotments also there used to be 2 pigeon lofts that belonged to brothers Jimmy & Norman Arnold who raced homing pigeons, and higher up across from the mill used to be dog kennels with a lady who bred Afghan hounds and also the bridge had gates that where locked for a good 25 years apart from persons that had access.
There used to be 2 bridges over the river at this location - one was a footbridge near where the photo was taken. The other was blocked off & was the remains of an old railway bridge that carried the coal wagons from the Winstanley pit to the canal side near Wigan Pier.