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Jimmy Eatock at work
Jimmy Eatock at work
Photo: Pam Allibone
Views: 3,073
Item #: 22110
This is my dad working at Walmesleys but I'm not sure if its at Wigan or Bolton so would be grateful if anyone knows.I'm not even sure of the date.

Comment by: Orrellite on 14th December 2012 at 19:19

I will consult with the oracle that is Mary, who ran the canteen at Wigan, over the weekend although she is 96 she has a brilliant memory and if he worked at Wiagn works she will know all about him watch this space

Comment by: Pam on 14th December 2012 at 20:55

Thanks Orrellite

Comment by: Michael on 15th December 2012 at 16:35

I remember a Mr Eatock (older than your dad would be)who was a violinist. Was his name Albert?

Any relation?

Comment by: Pam on 15th December 2012 at 17:26

I don't know any Albert. Chris Walls was my dads brother-in-law and he worked at Wigan. My dad worked in the 'fab shop'.

Comment by: orrellite on 16th December 2012 at 12:16

sorry Pam but no recollection of him specifically, she mentioned that of course in those early days of transfers there was also the Bury works, but of course I was subjected to an hour or so of pagefield works history in which she did mention a Mr walls who took over from Mr Hawkins in personnel.

Comment by: Maurice on 16th December 2012 at 15:29

He reminds me a bit, of Eric Morecambe.

Comment by: Pam on 17th December 2012 at 10:08

Thanks Orellite. My dad started working for Walker Bros down Frog Lane and I think it could have been Bury he went to later. Maurice, my dad always reminded me of Eric Morecambe and watching the repeats these passed few weeks has brought a few tears to my eyes.

Comment by: Joe Charnock on 20th December 2012 at 01:20

That is the Pagefield works at Wigan your dad worked with George Barton he was a manager infab shop. I worked with Chris walls in fab shop and your Dad he was a good bloke Jimmy liked to blow a fuse now and again. Would have been in the 70s think. Big Mary was over canteen and Hawkins was Personnell officer.

Comment by: Barbara (Webster) Sherrington on 14th January 2013 at 17:41

It has to be the same Jimmy Eatock who was verger at St Nats church?

Comment by: Les_Entwistle on 15th January 2013 at 15:15

This picture is definitely at the pagefield works. I worked with Jimmy and Maurice in the late sixties in the office near the dressing and welding shops.

Comment by: geoff on 13th February 2013 at 23:05

i started at bolton in 84 in the fab shop. used to see jimmy and chris often working down the fab shop, from their planning offices upstairs near the canteen.

Comment by: Pam . on 24th July 2013 at 17:22

Yes, Barbara my dad was involved with St Nats. It was great to hear some of the names my dad used to mention. George Barton and Maurice are names I remember. I'm sure I remember Les as well, and my dad could blow his fuse, he never changed. :) Thanks for the comments.

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