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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

British Rail at Wigan


Northbound out of Wigan NW
Northbound out of Wigan NW
Photo: Peter Worthington
Views: 2,886
Item #: 21559
1960 Departing platform 10

Comment by: Margaret Wall on 30th September 2012 at 23:48

I think this is a gorgeous old photo and, even though I don't know a lot about steam trains, I was there in that same era and photos like this bring back the noise and smoke and smells etc. Like Irene, I feel I would love to go back for one day to re-live it all!
Finally, could someone please tell me the location of the row of houses on the right of this picture? Thank you very much for this lovely photo Peter.

Comment by: aitch on 1st October 2012 at 10:25

I think the houses are in Great George street, the street is still there but the houses are long gone, now part of a industrial site.

Comment by: Albert. on 1st October 2012 at 10:56

Margaret. If the train is travelling north out of Wigan N. W. Station. It is possibly they are houses that were in Great George Street, I don't know whether,or not, that street still exists.

Comment by: Peter W. on 1st October 2012 at 15:47

Thank You to everyone for the kind comments. I am sharing as many photos as time allows, and focalise on the ones of importance before they deteriorate beyond saving. The street that is mentioned was at the rear of the signal-box, It is as was mentioned, Great George St., that was second on right under Wallgate Bridge,first on right was Willgoose Lane but that went left onto Gt.Geo. St., and came out opposite Mill Street. There was a good view from the rear of the box, the pub on the corner of Gt.Geo.St. and Mill St. was clearly visible, in the summer and on warm autumn evenings, I used to listen to Coronation St. on a Great number of tv sets, I just wasn't close enough to see the picture.

Comment by: Maureen Andrews nee McGovern on 1st October 2012 at 18:00

Peter..thank you for the photo..the house I grew up in is just out of view..we still go down it on our way back from shopping..many happy day were spent living there..and so many good memories of the community are still vivid in my mind.

Comment by: Susan Mint on 3rd October 2012 at 09:54

Another amazing photo Peter, not just because of the memories the trains evoke, but also because of the history that the photo contains. My great-grandfather lived in Great George Street in 1901, and I never knew where that was until I saw your train photos, thanks for sharing the photos with us Peter

Comment by: johnboy on 11th November 2012 at 03:31

To me, the banking on the right side of the picture seems to drop down onto the "ROPE WALK" but I could be wrong. When I was a kid, I remember a train (carriage) de-railing and falling onto the embankment. It was a shock but there was no-one injured. God Bless. johnboy.

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