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Wigan Corporation Transport


Bus at Wigan Transport Offices 1947
Bus at Wigan Transport Offices 1947
Views: 2,707
Item #: 17912
Standish Bus No.150 JP5532 outside the Transport Offices Market Place 1947.

Comment by: Helen on 12th June 2011 at 08:09

These are great pics....so many of them are places I waited at or went by...memories of Wigan.

Comment by: mick on 13th June 2011 at 06:43

You would be able to see the underground toilets if that bus wasnt in the way

Comment by: Helen on 13th June 2011 at 08:36

Remember the wooden holders the bus conductors had, with coloured tickets each side, the colour of the ticket denoting the price of the fare paid, then the ticket was punched with the metal gadget the conductor had on a strap hung round his shoulders ?

Comment by: irene roberts on 13th June 2011 at 08:58

I used to catch the Standish bus here when I worked there. One morning it was unbelievably miserable, pouring rain from a black sky and everyone wet through. We were all sitting there with long faces waiting for the bus-conductor, who suddenly jumped on with a beaming smile and shouted "Good Morning Everybody!", and the effect was electric.....everyone laughed and began chatting to each other; it was like the sun had come out. I was only 18, so it is 40 years ago, but I have never forgotten it! It was the era of flower-power, with "boutiques" opening in Wigan, and one was owned by a "Miss Winkleman" who used to walk past that bus-stop every morning in a mini-dress, with long black hair hanging down her back, and everyone stared at her...we were't used to such sights in Wigan!

Comment by: fred foster on 17th June 2011 at 07:28

Do you remember when we used to collect used tickets and fold them into each other to make concertinas? We also used to collect tickets with unusual numbers. I once got a ticket numbered 0001 and I scoured the other passengers until I found the one numbered 0000 and swapped my ticket with them!!

Comment by: linda massa on 28th June 2011 at 17:45

Used to stand in the doorway of Burtons tailors, next door to the offices, courting and waiting for the last bus to Standish. Memories.

Comment by: J B on 11th July 2011 at 07:23

I think you mean Jacksons the Taylors because Burtons was next to Woolworths which is now Smiths.

Comment by: J B on 11th July 2011 at 09:01

I think you mean Jacksons the Taylors because Burtons was next to Woolworths which is now Smiths.

Comment by: linda massa on 2nd March 2012 at 17:32

Yes I do mean Jacksons JB, my mind was obviously on courting in the doorway.

Comment by: Marti Dean on 16th November 2018 at 19:34

The remarkable Miss Winkleman mentioned in the comments above, was a regular customer of my Dad's menswear shop - John Dean's Menswear. Miss Winkleman had been a regular customer of his for decades, and she was an inspiration! I remember her popping in to buy a shirt, or knitwear for her partner. She must have been in her 80's, but she still dressed "bang on trend" ! Fantastic person and good fun.

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