Wigan Album
White Star Carriers
Photo: Walter Southern
Item #: 17848
Nice to hear from you Wally, have you any photos of Kwik Save Ashton? If my memory serves me right, you was the first to drive a DAF truck, VDM 475M the first Daf in the group.
Hi John, Yes I have two photo's which I will send over the next few days keep an eye out for them !. One with me and Clary stood in front of a newly delivered DAF which was to become Frank Nolans truck and one of a old type Seddon. both taken in the seventies. By the way, John who ?
Great photo Wally, Jimmy Ellis work at white star before he started at Kwik Save if I remember right. So how are you Wally, The last time I saw you was at Sherburn depot after leaving Ashton.
Hi Colin, believe it or not its 28 yrs since I left for Yorkshire and still live here. Yes you are right Jimmy did work at White Star as did I in the 60s, we also worked at GEC Osram together. Good to hear from you chaps, I'm retired now and recently discoverd Wiganworld so decided to share a few photos. I have a couple more of KwikSave which I'll send in due course. Keep Well !
the van in the photo i think was on wigan run
ime sure tony ramwel got the first d type ford i was his second mate for some time the reg number was b e k 67 somthing c then i went on the burnly run with jimmy green good times
Hi Colin, sorry mate you are wrong ! the truck in the photo was on the Leigh run, I had it for two years. Stan Bigley drove it before me on the Leigh run also. Brian Southern had the first of these D type on the Blackpool run (C reg). Tony didn't get one for some time. I also had the first 3 tonner D type it was CJP 418 D on the Leigh run then this went onto the Wigan run driven by a young John Southern. Good to hear from you mate, nice to know there are some of us still out there. By the way, I bumped into Jimmy Clark a few years ago he's now retired, remember him on the Blackburn run ?.
hiya walter nice to hear from u i thought jo rutter was on blackburn with a commer any way cud be worng i think we cud get a reunion of the lads av it in the club near white star wat do u think walter
Hi again Colin, You are right as you say about Joe, but Jimmy Clark had the Commer on Blckburn before him and then went onto the D type Artic. When I started for them 1963 they had around 9 Thames Traders, 1 Commer, 1 long nose Thames, 1 BMC artic which Gil Jolly was to drive and a couple of 30cwt vans. They had just bought Diamond Trans M/C. I would love a reunion but too many of the old squad are no longer with us I'm afraid and I live in North Yorks and I guess others have moved away also. Best wishes mate! keep leaving the messages you never know who will see them.
Walter, If you ever have a white star reunion, please let me know ,I would love to come. Would need at least one month notice
Bill, old chap, if we did have a reunion the venue would need to be small as there are too few of us left I'm afraid. See my e-mail to you.
Walt haven,t had your e mail on my I pad yet but will check next week when I get home,hopefully you can give me some details of old friends and contact details.
Bill, all my emails have been returned "failed" don't know why ! ..... I have so much info about old colleagues you would like so, I shall try again soon. In the mean time keep looking at Wiganworld, its a great site for ex-pats.
Bill McCraken Sorry old chum cannot get a message to you have tried all ways with no luck !!. ah well !.