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Thompsons Poolstock


Thompsons Poolstock (late 50s)
Thompsons Poolstock (late 50s)
Photo: Tom Clancy
Views: 5,198
Item #: 14263
Some of the staff who worked at Thompsons.
Back Row left to Right: ? , ? , Doreen Braddock, Eileen Callaghan, Margaret Bullough, Myself, Linda Jones, Neville Parry, Norma Thomas, ? , Thelma Sheppard, ? , ? , Maurice Hewitt
front Row left to right: ?, Tommy Tinsley, Jim Rylance, Derek Gregory, Johnny Boardman, Norman Rigby, Ken Williams, ? , ?

The Wagon in the background was an Austin K2 Registration JP5148 advertising the bake a cake flour which Thompsons used to pack.

Jim Rylance with his brother Ralph ran an haulage business which was based in Springett Street (the building is still there)

Comment by: Joan Beckett(Wilding) on 28th March 2010 at 22:41

Is that the Thompsons that was in Poolstock if so I worked in the office approx 1968

Comment by: Derek in Aus on 29th March 2010 at 02:30

My future wife ( Muriel Baldwin )Worked in the office
in the early 50's

Comment by: Tom Clancy on 30th March 2010 at 15:27

It should read Spring St,not Springett St.Yes it is Thompsons Poolstock.I started in 1956 and left 1962.

Comment by: olwen on 27th April 2010 at 13:31

just seen picture of thompsons bakery norma thomas is my sister

Comment by: norma heyes on 14th July 2010 at 13:11

hi tommy seen picture it is a belter norma

Comment by: Anne Crowther(now Rose) on 28th July 2010 at 22:47

We always knew Eileen Callaghan as Mrs Callaghan and she knew my mum Hilda Crowther. She had a daughter Frances.
Margaret Bullough lived 2 doors from us and I think died in a house fire.

Comment by: olwen on 11th August 2010 at 15:59

hi norma just read ur message hope ur all ok i recognize u in the picture staightaway

Comment by: josie pennington nee beckett on 14th August 2010 at 01:35

my husband alan pennington worked at thompsons in the early 60s he would be about 15/16.

Comment by: Frank Rylance on 9th November 2010 at 00:48

How on earth did Jim Rylance (my uncle) come to take centre stage on a photo with all the Thompson staff ?? He must have been delivering goods to Thompsons at the time.
Knowing the Thompson bosses as I did at that time I am surprised they allowed the workers the time off to have a photgraph taken !!
The garage in Spring St where I worked for many years was built by my grandfather( Richard) and his 3 sons in the early 1920's My father (Ralph) bought it when the company was sold . He later sold it to the motor repairers who are still there as far as I know.Seeing this photo was most unexpected and brought back many memories.Spring St were I was born doesn't seem to have changed much over the years.

Comment by: Tom Clancy on 21st November 2010 at 15:23

Jim Rylance and his brother Ralph, your father.Both worked at Thompsons late fifties Jim as a driver Ralph as a Mechanic.

Comment by: Dennis Winstanley on 9th September 2011 at 20:24

Does anyone know the date of this photo, I worked there from 1960 to May 1964, I was tall thin with glasses, back row 2nd from right looks a bit like me.

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