Wigan Album
Thompsons Poolstock
Photo: Tom Clancy
Item #: 14263
Back Row left to Right: ? , ? , Doreen Braddock, Eileen Callaghan, Margaret Bullough, Myself, Linda Jones, Neville Parry, Norma Thomas, ? , Thelma Sheppard, ? , ? , Maurice Hewitt
front Row left to right: ?, Tommy Tinsley, Jim Rylance, Derek Gregory, Johnny Boardman, Norman Rigby, Ken Williams, ? , ?
The Wagon in the background was an Austin K2 Registration JP5148 advertising the bake a cake flour which Thompsons used to pack.
Jim Rylance with his brother Ralph ran an haulage business which was based in Springett Street (the building is still there)
Is that the Thompsons that was in Poolstock if so I worked in the office approx 1968
My future wife ( Muriel Baldwin )Worked in the office
in the early 50's
It should read Spring St,not Springett St.Yes it is Thompsons Poolstock.I started in 1956 and left 1962.
just seen picture of thompsons bakery norma thomas is my sister
hi tommy seen picture it is a belter norma
We always knew Eileen Callaghan as Mrs Callaghan and she knew my mum Hilda Crowther. She had a daughter Frances.
Margaret Bullough lived 2 doors from us and I think died in a house fire.
hi norma just read ur message hope ur all ok i recognize u in the picture staightaway
my husband alan pennington worked at thompsons in the early 60s he would be about 15/16.
How on earth did Jim Rylance (my uncle) come to take centre stage on a photo with all the Thompson staff ?? He must have been delivering goods to Thompsons at the time.
Knowing the Thompson bosses as I did at that time I am surprised they allowed the workers the time off to have a photgraph taken !!
The garage in Spring St where I worked for many years was built by my grandfather( Richard) and his 3 sons in the early 1920's My father (Ralph) bought it when the company was sold . He later sold it to the motor repairers who are still there as far as I know.Seeing this photo was most unexpected and brought back many memories.Spring St were I was born doesn't seem to have changed much over the years.
Jim Rylance and his brother Ralph, your father.Both worked at Thompsons late fifties Jim as a driver Ralph as a Mechanic.
Does anyone know the date of this photo, I worked there from 1960 to May 1964, I was tall thin with glasses, back row 2nd from right looks a bit like me.