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Wigan Grammar Schools


Order of service of a remembrance service for former Wigan Grammar School boys who lost their lives in the 2nd World War. (1 of 2)
Order of service of a remembrance service for former Wigan Grammar School boys who lost their lives in the 2nd World War. (1 of 2)
Photo: John Rhodes
Views: 3,274
Item #: 489
Part copy of the order of service of a remembrance service for those former Wigan Grammar School boys who lost their lives in the 2nd World War. (1 of 2)

Can anyone tell me where the memorial might be now?

Comment by: fred foster on 16th November 2009 at 14:50

I saw the memorial, along with the sports cups and trophies, this morning 16.11.09 in the Linacre Centre(the old WGS)They are on display in the corridor near the xray rooms.

Comment by: Karl Greenall on 20th August 2017 at 14:06

It is never mentioned that the memorial to the Old Boys who gave their live in the First world war was the organ in the Main School Hall. This was marked by a brass plaque on the organ console at the foot of the stage. The organ was destroyed by a fire started by a vandal in the early 1970s, and the insurance money paid for a new organ placed at the rear of the hall, over the entrance door. This instrument disappeared when the hall was bought by a private owner. It is a pity that it was not rescued, because of its connection with the Old Boys, and it was actually a very good instrument. more information on what happened to it would be welcome.

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