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St Paul's C of E, Goose Green


St. Paul's School, 1957.
St. Paul's School, 1957.
Photo: Eileen Todd
Views: 9,963
Item #: 416
St. Paul's School, 1957.

Comment by: Doreen Morters(nee Fairhurst) on 15th August 2008 at 21:22

I am sitting at the end of the 2nd.row from the front on the left and my best friend ever Pamela Wilkinson, is sitting at the end of the front row at the left. Mr. Richardson (at right of course)was our Headmaster and last year teacher. He used to throw small pieces of white chalk at us and we loved it. Good school, good people. I recognize quite a few others on there too. Where are you all? I am in U.S.A.

Comment by: Sandra Ashton(Kay) on 17th February 2009 at 17:25

Hello Doreen,It was lovely to see the photo of you and Pamela.I hope you remember me. I saw a comment that your sister Carole had put about walking days that brought back memories. I was sorry to hear about your mum.My mum also died in the summer she was 85.I knew that you were in the USA I am not too far from Wigan as I live in cheshire

Comment by: Carole Walker ( nee Fairhurst ) on 4th March 2009 at 09:24

Hi Sandra, I remember the happy time we had on holiday in Mum and Dad's friends little holiday chalet in Talacre, Wales. You came along and one day I remember you parents came to visit. I have Mum's photos of this. I also remember your Mum coming to visit us in Arthur St. Goose Green and as she sat on the couch chatting, our brother Keith who would only be about 2/3 would sit on the floor and play with your Mum's big toe :o) I don't think Keith would remember that. I live in Billinge with my partner of 10 years, my husband died 13 years ago in April.
Just one more note, I don't know if you are reading this Doreen but in your comments obove you say you are at the end of the second row on the left, are you not on the right?? Love to both

Comment by: SANDRA on 9th March 2009 at 19:06

Hello Carole, Lovely to hear from you. I definitely remember Talacre. There were massive jelly fish on the beach all week! I saw your comments on the Unsworth coaches site.I know where your dads shop was and I can still imagine him in there.I am also a widow and have 2 grownup children and 5 grandchildren.My mum used to meet your mum in Wigan now and then so I knew about Doreen and Keith being in USA. Nice to have been in touch. Best wishes Sandra

Comment by: Carole Walker (nee Fairhurst) on 26th March 2009 at 12:58

Hi Sandra, thought you might like to take a look on our 'Fairhurst Family Goose Green' site under Photos/Album/People, I blessed it with one of you and Doreen.
Take care

Comment by: Doreen Morters(Fairhurst) on 28th March 2009 at 19:09

Hi Sandra,
I only just read all these lovely comments (March28th). How great to hear from you after all this time. How on earth could Carole remember Keith playing with your Mum's big toe??? Just like you Carole. Yes we did have great times in Talacre and I can't imagine you having 5 grandchildren. Are you not still the same Sandra Kay as in our picture? Hey I have 2, Boy and Girl. Light of our lives.
I've probably got another picture somewhere -will have to dig it out. Wish we could visit Wigan more often.
Carole(if there) I really thought that was me on the left.I have another group pic.similar and I'm in the same place???How could that be. Class order maybe! Talk Later, Love Doreen.

Comment by: Sandra Ashton(Kay) on 29th March 2009 at 17:01

Hi to both of you. Have left a comment on your photo site

Comment by: Sandra Ashton(Kay) on 29th March 2009 at 17:17

Just had another look at the photo. Is that Gayner Lambert 2nd row from front 4th from left?

Comment by: Janet Green on 6th April 2009 at 21:19

Hi Sandra, I don't think that is Gayner but I'll show her and ask her.

Comment by: Sandra Ashton(Kay) on 12th April 2009 at 16:02

Hello Janet, Nice to hear from you. how are you and the rest of the family? Haven`t seen Robert at the rugby for a long time.

Comment by: Gayner Lambert on 23rd April 2009 at 20:19

Hi Sandra, hope you're ok. I'm not on this photo, must have been poorly, but am on a couple of others - the 1955 ones see if you can spot me!

Comment by: SANDRA ASHTON on 15th June 2009 at 21:42

Hello Gayner, Sorry I haven`t been on this site for a long time. Yes I saw you on one of the 1955 photos. Hope you are ok. Best wishes Sandra

Comment by: Mike Farrimond on 24th June 2009 at 16:15

Hello Sandra - did you live opposite the church in St Pauls Ave?

Hello Gaynor - weren't we in the same class at St Pauls in Goose Green?

Didn't you two go to the High School together?

I went to St Pauls and then to the Grammar School, and now live in London; my mother is still in a home in Pemberton, but she has altzheimers and is physically incapacitated

Comment by: sandra kay (now ashton) on 24th June 2009 at 21:06

Hello Mike, Yes I did live opp st Paul`s church and went to girl`s high school with Gayner. I live near Warrington and don`t get back to Wigan much since my mum died last year. I remember you coming to our house on sat nights to pick up Sandra Williams. Do you realse that`s over 40 years ago it`s frightening to think about all those years passing. Best Wishes Sandra

Comment by: Gayner Lambert on 26th June 2009 at 22:15

Hello Mike yes it's the same Gayner! Remember going to school on the school bus with David Orrell etc? I remember stealing your cap and we all got into trouble. I remember your mum and dad very well from Orrell RUFC. Your mum was on the ladies section. My mum was in the same home as your mum until she died 2 years ago and I used to see her occasionally. Sandra and I still keep in touch - mainly through Christmas cards and "milestone" birthdays. Lovely to hear from you.

Comment by: Carole Walker (nee Fairhurst) on 28th July 2009 at 12:10

Hello Gaynor and Mike, I am Doreen's sister, you may remember me Gaynor as of course we also lived in Arthur Street. I noticed on your messages that you both mentioned your Mums were in a home in Pemberton. Our Mum (Irene) was also in a home in Pemberton, she had Dementia and I guess they were all in the same place if it was Alexandra Grange. Our Mum died last August, aged 88. Doreen lives in Georgia, U.S.A. and has done for over 30 years having lived in South Africa for 6 before that. I will let her contact you so that she can catch up with you both. Best wishes, Carole

Comment by: Gayner Lambert on 12th August 2009 at 12:42

Hi Carole - I remember you and Doreen from Arthur St. Did you also have a younger brother? I still see Pam Wilkinson occasionally. My Mum was in Appleby Court but did did spend a short time in Alexandre before she went there. I don't think Doreen was in same class as me at St Pauls I think the girl in the photo is Pauline Winstanley. Will try to find some photos of Goose Green and put them on site. Best Wishes Gayner

Comment by: Carole Walker (nee Fairhurst) on 7th September 2009 at 11:33

Hi Gaynor, Yes we do have a younger brother, Keith. Keith and his family live near to Doreen and her family in Gainesville, Georgia, U.S.A. Keith went out to visit Doreen in 1981 and never came home after meeting the girl who became his wife. Each time Doreen gets over for a visit she aims to meet up with Pam but nevere gets there. Last time, last year when she and Keith were over for Mum's funeral, we finally went around to her house but she wasn't at home. Maybe next time. Is Pam doing O.K, is she still working? Nice to hear from you and best regards, Carole.

Comment by: Mike Farrimond on 16th November 2009 at 17:13

Sandra - I stumbled across Ed Prytherch on the web a few weeks ago. He lives in USA and remembered your incident with the ferret at the party in Golborne (see Thomas Linacre photo and conversation) - I can send you his email if you want to mail me

Comment by: sandra kay (now ashton) on 27th November 2009 at 20:25

Hi Mike, yes I would like to get in touch with Ed.

Comment by: Ed Prytherch on 23rd September 2010 at 03:17

Hi Sandra,
Christine Thompson told me that she is still in contact with you. My email address is not a secret. I expect that I will be in England for a couple of weeks next year.

Comment by: Sandra Ashton on 22nd October 2010 at 15:52

Hi Ed, I haven`t been on this site for a while but a friend told me that you had left a message for me. So thanks for that. I did have your e-mail address but can`t find it!! Anyway it would be lovely to see you again after all this time, please let me know when you are over here.

Comment by: Alan Hayes on 17th November 2014 at 18:19

Hello from Alan on holiday in Turkey for 7wks

Comment by: Eileen Todd nee Haselden on 11th December 2014 at 10:29

Hi Alan, think I remember you, are you 3rd row back 6th left, between Ronnie Honour and Roy Box? Have a lovely holiday.

Comment by: Norman Guy on 16th April 2015 at 00:08

Obviously didn't make any impression at school,but loved growing up at Goose Green. That's me 3rd from right on the back row.
Standing next to "Dingo "Richardson is the best friend I've ever known,Bob Davies,who died aged just 17. Next to him is Peter Sixsmith and 2 along is Keith Worthington,who both died tragically young.
I live in Wrightington.

Comment by: m gregory(prev darbyshire) on 10th April 2017 at 19:28

has anyone got comments or photos about my class at st pauls

goose green from 1957/1960 when I left.ie teachers mr gibson

and mr richardson.I remember mary unsworth,valerie ashurst,

pat barker,sheila ridyard + many others

Comment by: EileenTodd on 25th August 2017 at 09:14

That should be Queen St Pemberton.

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