Wigan Album
St Paul's C of E, Goose Green
Photo: Barry Whittle
Item #: 414
back row, 5th from right john mason. he used to live next door to me in princes street, off little lane, goose green.
Was the teachers name Miss Alker? did she get married and become Mrs Jones?
Hi Sis (Doreen), I still can't decide which is you on this one, are you sat on the right of Pam or second from left on front row?
Carole, I'm sure that's me front row, 4th.from right. I remember the clothes. How weird is that as I can't remember what I wore last year?
49 children in this class!!
The lad 3rd from left after the teacher on the back row is a relation of mine. His name is Robert Davies
Hi Hilary - as per our chat Stephanie Williams is on second row up, 3rd from left sitting between Mavis Bridge and Pam Williams
Miss Aldred became Mrs little
The boys on the photo,with apologies for mistakes and omissions,are:-back
Tommy Challinor,?, Bob Davies, Joe Wilkinson, Alan Barton, Terry Taylor, John Barlow, ?, John Mason, Owen, Norman Guy, John Forshaw, Paul Chambers.
3rd row..... Barry Whittle, Barry Fisher, Alan Bradshaw, Paul Hibbert, Barry Mellor, Andrew Johnson, Roy Box, Brian Ralphs, Alan Heyes, Mick Farrimond, Billy Prior, John Finch, Mansel Mather, Peter Sixsmith.
Front.... Dave Orrell, Keith Worthington.
Next to Dave Orrell is Linda Hall and behind her is Pamela Wilkinson,
whose mother, Eva?, was a dressmaker and had a shop in Brackley St.
49 kids in this class.
The teacher must have had her work cut out.
Good job there was no OFSTED.