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St Paul's C of E, Goose Green


St. Paul's C of E, Goose Green, c1950.
St. Paul's C of E, Goose Green, c1950.
Photo: John Clarke
Views: 12,826
Item #: 413
St. Paul's C of E, Goose Green, c1950.

Comment by: Joan Beckett on 6th May 2008 at 20:43

Is that Ronnie Beckett middle row third from right.

Comment by: jean ward nee littler on 9th August 2008 at 16:43

4th row right to left ellen jones pauline rostron jean littler/????kathleen ridyard seated florence draper??sandra sutton back row left pat oakes ?stanley omalia second row left barbara mellor anne catterall

Comment by: florence walsh (nee draper) on 13th August 2008 at 23:41

front row first left is me florence draper,,good days at st pauls,,loved every moment of it,,cant think of the teachers name,,i remember brian and georgie bone and margaret brown and ellen lowe.

Comment by: florence walsh (nee draper) on 14th August 2008 at 00:03

people i remember on the photo,,back row, first from left, pat oakes,,seventh from left, jimmy fellows,,eighth from left brian hornby..third row,,first from left barbara mellor,,seventh from left, douglas owen,,third row, first from right, margaret brown,,second row, first from right, ellen lowe,,seated on the floor first left me, florence draper..

Comment by: john clarke on 21st September 2008 at 22:38

I can put a name to quite a few on the photo , might get a few wrong it is a few years ago.
back row, pat oakes jimmy kenyon stan omalia borne twin geoff green cliff carr jimmy fellows ken hornby ken diggle ???
middle barbara mellor ann catterall mike leary myself ian sharrock bill porter dougie owen brian fairhurst bob kelly
??? ??? borne twin mike richardson jean stewart ???
front sheila broadbent ??? ??? kathleen ridyard ??? jean littler pauline rostron ellen jones
sitting florence draper marion brddock sandra sutton dorothy hilton

Comment by: Hayden Touhey on 24th February 2009 at 10:35

Just seen this picture, my Mum is the first little girl on the back row- Pat Touhey (nee Oakes). She will know most of the names.I will ask her to post a comment.

Comment by: Roy Huxley on 24th February 2009 at 20:23

Pat,further to our chat the other day,I remembered Jean Stewart as soon as I left you. See if you can come up with Lesley for me please.

Comment by: Pat Touhey on 2nd March 2009 at 19:24

Hi Roy, Lesley is the third from the left on the second row from the front.

Comment by: Pat Touhey on 2nd March 2009 at 21:43

Back Row-first from right-Margaret Brown, 2nd.row from back 5th.from right-Brian Owens, 6th. from right is it Paul Williams? 3rd. row from back- 3rd. from left Lesley Houghton 5th from left Anne Goulding.

Comment by: John Clarke on 2nd March 2009 at 23:01

I had totally forgotten about Paul Williams,only lived 6 doors away as well....old age again !!.. Although it doesnt look like him . The prices used to live there before them, i think,but i cant see Alan Price on the photo either.

Comment by: Pat Touhey {nee Oakes} on 3rd March 2009 at 10:53

Florence, The teachers were:- Primary-lst.year Mrs.Millington 2nd.year Miss Alker {Headmistress} 3rd.year Miss Lang who married and became Mrs.Mason. Junior school- 1st.year Miss Aldred 2nd. year Miss Burbridge, 3rd.year Mr. Gibson 4th.year Mr. Richardson {Headmaster}.

Comment by: Roy Huxley on 3rd March 2009 at 10:58

Thanks Pat, believe it or not, we,[me and my son David] decided that was Lesley,just waiting for your confirmation.

Comment by: John Clarke on 3rd March 2009 at 22:03

Pat,the 3rd year infants and 2nd juniors musnt have been my better years , i cant remember either of the teachers for these years, just remember the rear stairs to the 2nd year

Comment by: John Clarke on 3rd April 2009 at 22:27

Sorry Pat, cant count now, i think that you are right, 6th from right could well be Paul Williams.

Comment by: joan _keeling was unsworth on 6th July 2009 at 19:24

my name is joan keeling was unsworth,im in the middleof pic 2nd row from front white ribbon on top of my head.I lived at no 39 northumberland street my grandparents were martha & james unsworth lived at no 33,my parents left in 1953 to live in south yorkshire my dad james worked on the pit at thurcroft.my aunty charlotte lived next door also an unsworth ronnie was her son edith a daughter. margaret brown lived across the street next to an entry lizzie ward also lived across from us, i remember someone used to play records of joseph locke really loud, i am also looking for my cousins margaret & her sister kathleen blackledge who lived on the main road thier mum & dad were albert &mary blackledgecan anyone help?

Comment by: mj on 21st October 2010 at 19:29

Did the Lesley Houghton in the photo have a brother John did they live at the Bulls Head?

Comment by: mj on 21st October 2010 at 19:37

Did the Lesley Houghton in the photo have a brother John did they live at the Bulls Head?

Comment by: Roy Huxley on 7th November 2010 at 15:25

Yes thats correct mj,I married Lesley,unfortunately she passed away in 1998.John is married and lives in Bryn.

Comment by: mike leary on 8th January 2012 at 06:29

middle row 3rd in from left was me mike leary we lived next to the ben jonson in the shop .now live in n.z

Comment by: Roy on 29th March 2012 at 17:01

Further to my comments of 7th Nov 2010, John Houghton unfortunately passed away in August 2011

Comment by: Pat Touhey (nee Oakes) on 16th September 2012 at 11:59

Hi Roy, Only just seen your comment. So sorry to hear that John (Houghton) passed away last year.

Comment by: Lorraine Seddon on 8th August 2014 at 23:37

I think the girl with the white ribbons in her hair on the 2nd row in , 2nd from left could be my late mum Doreen Ellison nee Hardacre. Can anyone remember her or have any photographs? Unfortunately she passed away in 1996

Comment by: Margaret Nee Brown on 25th October 2014 at 00:04

I'm top right Joy Worthington & Jean Stewart directly below me Ist right seated Ellen Jones 4th from right seated Ann Goulding sitting next to Joan unswoth , remember most of the girls went on to St marks with some them

Comment by: Pat Touhey nee Oakes on 18th December 2014 at 18:18

Hi Lorraine, the person who you think is your Mum is Kathleen Ridiyard. I knew your Mum very well but she was two years older than me at St.Paul's school.

Comment by: stephen unsworth on 10th May 2015 at 19:58

my grandmother was charlott unsworth and ronnie was my uncle my dad was silas unsworth

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