Wigan Album
St Patrick's R.C. Girls School, Hardybutts
Photo: Maureen Porter
Item #: 412
Can you put a Name to the girl on the front row third from the left.
the name of the girl on the front row is vera holding
of foggs place
my mum joan gallagher fifth from right on front row
My Mum is 2nd from the right - Florence Houghton - she came from Hardybutts.
My mum (Jean Critchley later Ainscough) is directly in front of Miss Underwood
christine or mog did either of your mums go to school with an annie burns (she's my mum and this photo seems the right age group for her)
My mum is third from the left back row, Margaret Fairhurst [Maiden name Margaret Hughes].
i think girl 4th from left back row is margeret winstanley
The middle row third from the left is my sister Margaret Walsh, married name Bennett , we lived in Mc Cormick St.which was behind the boys school.
Girl on bottom row 4th from the left is possibly Marie Joyce.
Does anyone recall my mum Jane Fairhurst lived in Holland Street
Does anyone remember Mary Moore she’d of been about this age