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St Oswald's R.C., Ashton


St Oswald's RC, Liverpool Road, 1964.
St Oswald's RC, Liverpool Road, 1964.
Photo: Ed Owens
Views: 8,002
Item #: 407
St Oswald's RC School on Liverpool Road, 1964.

Comment by: Debbie Gaynor on 7th June 2009 at 19:19

I went to this school, why on earth did they knock it down, we seem to have lost all our beautiful old buildings. They would have preserved and made use of these down south!

Comment by: brian anthony mcguinn on 7th October 2009 at 21:50

this was the junior boys school

Comment by: Peter Mortel on 16th October 2009 at 16:56

I thought this was the moxed school and the junior boys school was nera the traffic lights at the top of Gerard Street, it is now a car home. I may be mistaken.

Comment by: Joseph McMenemy on 14th December 2009 at 20:18

This is definately the infants school in Liverpool Rd, I attended here in early 50s, the teacher was a nunI think her name was sister Enda(not sure of the spelling)

Comment by: David Robinson on 3rd March 2010 at 14:07

This is indeed the infants school i was there in the very early 50's, the head was a Nun named Sister Edna. the girls school was across the playground and the boys were on the other side of the road near the lights and is now a care home,

Comment by: Debbie Gaynor nee Walls on 2nd August 2010 at 21:27

Doe anyone know the year that it was built?

Comment by: Michele Somers on 3rd October 2013 at 21:55

You,re right. It,s mixed infants with girls school across the playground that you went to when you were 7. This was the only primary school I went to and left in 1961.

Comment by: Angela Beard (nee Chisnall) on 23rd March 2014 at 03:25

I went there from abour 1944 - 53 and it was Sister Enda not Edna and I used to be in her band. We had a reunion at the New Pro 10 years ago and lots of us were there, it was magic seeing all the people again. We also had a Miss Nulty, wonder if anyone remembers her

Comment by: Chris on 14th April 2014 at 22:03

Could anyone advise me on exactly what the school was named thatis now Ashwood residential care home, 1 liverpool road. Next door to st oswalds church. Was it st oswalds junior boys? School is this hi wit was named. Even better has any one any photos or could they direct me to one.

Comment by: John on 20th January 2015 at 18:17

Chris, the junior school is on the right on this photo here http://www.wiganworld.co.uk/album/photo.php?opt=5&id=15980&gallery=Ashton&offset=40

Comment by: Chris on 29th March 2015 at 22:47

Thanks so much John... Incredible photo the first I've seen! I'm on a mission now to find a photo of the school from the front. Someone must have taken a photo of it... I really hope so anyway. Thankyou John

Comment by: Vivien Bampton (née Longman) on 28th September 2017 at 11:02

This is the primary school my sister Geraldine and I attended. I see Brian McGuin and Perter Mortel have written here and wonder if they lived at Alton Close when I lived there, next door to the Harrisons.

Comment by: Peter Mortel on 7th January 2019 at 10:57

Yes it is Peter Mortel who lived at No 9 Alton Close. Long time ago but still good memories, Harrisons, Starkeys, Jolly’s, Harris, Longmans, Dooney, Lowe, Heatons, McHugh, McGuinn to name a few. Currently living in Oxford

Comment by: Jenkinson on 13th September 2020 at 21:58

Hi, my sisters and I (Jenkinson)went to St Oswald's infant school in the 60s, was probably the best time of our lives. The sisters I remember were sister Angela and sister Orleta, (think I spelt that wrong) anyway would love to know anyone who
remembered us!

Comment by: Phil Shirley on 27th March 2021 at 15:37

I was also at the school in the early 60’s. Remember Sisters Angela and Loretta. (One if then was keen on discipline). We were taken to play football in the field on the other side of the brook over a tiny footbridge. We had to avoid the cow pats. The fields were what is now Townfields.

Comment by: Phil Shirley on 11th April 2021 at 08:31

Correction to my previous, it’s the Woodedge estate where the fields where not Townfields.

Comment by: Gerald Heaton on 11th October 2021 at 12:05

I remember Vivien Longman and Peter Mortel. I lived at 12 Alton Close with my brother David, and sisters Janet, Anne, Judith and Joan.
Happy times. Especially bonfire night!

Comment by: Pam on 10th November 2021 at 16:28

to say sister Angela was tough on discipline is the biggest understatement ever - It would now be called child abuse, wicked woman nun or not!

Comment by: Stephen Wilkinson on 21st December 2021 at 19:41

Sister Angela was clearly sadistic tortured me . Total fear the thought of going to school . I went to school with John Jenkins on at this school and Debbie walls .

Comment by: Paul Gibson on 24th March 2022 at 00:34

I went to the school 1954 and what I remember was one of the nuns it could have been Sister Angela lifting the dress of one of the girls and hitting her on the bottom with what looked like a slipper. What I saw always stuck in my mind I was only 4 at the time.

Comment by: Gareth Holmes on 30th December 2023 at 20:50

I went to this school in the late 60s early 70s before it closed.
The teacher then was sister Cathrine. Quite strict but vey good memories of this school. This was at the bottom of the hill on liverpool road down from st oswalds church

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 31st December 2023 at 11:02

A very quaint little building, I love the architectural style with the very steep roof. Is it still there?

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