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St Michael & All Angels, Swinley


St Michaels & All Angels, Swinley, 1961.
St Michaels & All Angels, Swinley, 1961.
Photo: Susan Hayes
Views: 10,356
Item #: 402
St Michaels & All Angels, Swinley, 1961.

Comment by: chris coates on 6th October 2010 at 22:18

Top L to R, (Dave?) Reid, Bill Grundy, Malcolm Ryder, Harry Smith, (Dave?) Turner, Steve Melling.
Middle row L to R, Alan Sankey, Susan Tice, unidentified, Carol Casey, Lynne Taylor, Susan Iddon and David Linfoot.
Next row L to R, Andrew Marflow, (Dave?) Tyson, Christopher Moulsworth, Chris Coates, Terence Cullen, Peter (Brown?), Dennis Bamber and Alistar Brown
Next row L to R, Judith Wilding, unidentified, Patricia Reville, (Carol?) Hayton, Rosaline Garner, Miss Entwhistle, unidentified.
Bottom two L to R are Colin Green and (Phil ??)
I might think of the others yet...bear with me
The teacher is Mr Taylor

Comment by: Andrew Marflow on 24th May 2011 at 23:55

I also have somewhere a copy of this photo with the names on the back. When I find it I'll post all the names. For now, I can add the following from memory:
Top row: I can confirm David Reid and David Turner
Middle row: the unidentified girl is Joan Naylor
Next Row: David Saxon is next to me; it's Peter Taylor (not Brown)
Next row: I'm pretty sure it was Sylvia Hayton and Judith Entwistle.
Bottom two: The unidentified person is Philip Whitter

Comment by: Andrew Marflow on 25th May 2011 at 23:55

The girl sitting on chair second from right is Kathleen Eccleston. So that's everyone identified part from the 2 girls on the left of that row. If you're reading this, feel free to get in touch with me!

Comment by: Anne Simm (Wilikinson) on 22nd June 2011 at 18:52

I think the girl 2nd from the left on second row (top) Is Joan Naylor

Comment by: .Rosalie Garner on 5th July 2011 at 12:25

hello still living in my home town i can name everyone back row david reed billy grundy malcolm ryder harry smith david turner stephen melling mr leslie taylor our dishy head teacher alan sankey susan tice joan naylor carole casey lynne taylor susan iddon david linfoot middle row andrew marflow david saxon christopher molesworth christopher coates terence cullen peter taylor denis bamber alaister elizabeth davies judith lawton patricia revel sylvia hayton rosalie garner kathleen eccleston judith .entwhistle colin green philip whitter

Comment by: yvonne fletcher on 17th May 2012 at 12:25

Hi andrew .Wow what a lovely surprise to see your photo on this brilliant site.It must be 40yrs since i last saw you .You may not remember me ,i was Yvonne Fletcher from Horwich .Hope you and your family are well .Take Care .Regards Yvonne

Comment by: Alastair Brown on 1st December 2015 at 15:06

54 years ago! I like to say it seems like yesterday but I'd be lying. Sad the school was demolished but the toilets without a roof were a problem when it rained. The photo brings back happy days of trainspotting on Ryland's field with Alan Sankey, Harry Smith et al

Comment by: Andrew Marflow on 7th September 2017 at 21:20

Hi Alastair,
Just spotted your comment, as I haven't visited the site for a while. I also remember the trainspotting days. As you say the school was demolished, but the church is still there. I still go there for concerts, and more sadly, funerals, the most recent of which was just today. Please feel free to get in touch (amarflow@blueyonder.co.uk)

Comment by: chris coates on 3rd July 2019 at 18:58

Hello all. Did anyone keep a diary that would tell me when the school terms started and finished. I know its a long shot but it would help with my research into my earlier years. Thanks in anticipation. Chris

Comment by: Helen Taylor on 23rd February 2020 at 12:54

How lovely to see this. My father Leslie Taylor was the head at the time. He always remembered his past pupils. Helen

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