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Wigan Album

St Michael & All Angels, Swinley


St Michaels & All Angels, Swinley, 1956.
St Michaels & All Angels, Swinley, 1956.
Photo: Susan Hayes
Views: 6,438
Item #: 398
St Michaels & All Angels, Swinley, 1956.

Comment by: Kate Napier (Ball) on 4th August 2009 at 16:14

How weird to find myself at about six looking out at me from my computer screen! I can't have been at St Michael's for much longer after this was taken - we left Wigan towards the end of '56. I'm editing my Mum's memoirs, checking out detail about Wigan, where she grew up, did war work, married and started a family. Now 89, there's nothing wrong with her memories - and they're stirring a lot of mine.

Comment by: rosalie garner on 4th July 2011 at 15:23

.i can name most of the people in reception class because i stayed there until i left in top juniors i remember you katherine middle .row on your left lynne taylor joan naylor to your right i am on the back row with my arms folded the teacher is miss grandshaw

Comment by: Rosalie.Garner on 8th July 2011 at 14:03

back row peter galloway terence cullen sorry elizabeth davies elizabeth horner rosalie garner carole casey sorry sylvia hayton malcolm ryder roy moss? sorry ernest woods miss granshaw middle row sorry maureen hickey judith lawton susan tice gwen wilkinson judith entwhistle sorry lynne taylor katherine mary ball joan naylor susan iddon sorry sorry pauline watts ann grove front row christopher coates david turner sorry sorry billy grundy peter robinson cunliffe .

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