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St Patrick's junior mixed


Views: 1,177
Item #: 35068
St Patrick's junior Rugby Team. Date 1958/59

Comment by: Pey wet on 16th April 2024 at 12:07

Worth noting that this is St Pats Jnr School team rather than the Amateur club..
No doubt they’ll try to claim it..
If Ellery Hanley walked down Darlington Street they’d claim him as a product of St Pats!!

Comment by: Peter Walsh on 16th April 2024 at 15:28

I remember playing for St. Mary's against St. Patrick's in the early 50's and I was frightened of a lad called Gleeson. He was a really hard player..

Comment by: John Noakes on 16th April 2024 at 16:00

Peter, I once ferried Blackbrook under 14's to a match at Woolston against their under 14's in one of my vans, as a favour. The talk amongst the lads was of a "giant", "vicious" player on the opposing side. Apparently, he was a "Gypsy" and his name was Nathan Washer. Like you, they all feared playing against him. When we arrived and I saw the feared Nathan Washer, he was two foot taller than the tallest Blackbrook player, thick set, with a crew cut and sidies. He looked at least 20 and, of course, he dominated the game.
All the dads were saying, "14 him"? "14"? "give over"!

Comment by: Dave on 16th April 2024 at 16:45

Great points Peter and John , I was quite a good schoolboy rugby player but regret to this day fearing a players reputation even before I stepped on the pitch . This gave them the edge straight away over me . My rugby teacher told me I could match them and many times I did but something in my mind stopped me , telling me they were better players , oh that’s so and so !
Jimmy Hornby was my nemesis, amazing player , and always got the better of me , but I feared him from the start which drained my confidence against him every time which on a pitch you’ve got the have , especially at Stand Off or scrum half . Like you say reputation is a huge thing , it creates a picture much bigger in your mind that actually exists .
One thing I never feared was a players size even though I was tiny and my rugby teacher told me to eat more chips , I would tackle full on anybody however big they were . It was their talent and skill , their reputation for being great players .
Thanks for posting Tom
Ps. What happens now on Coronation Park now , is it still there , is the Ken Gee cup still played ?

Comment by: davey on 16th April 2024 at 18:05

Frank Gaskell was the big lad that used to destroy teams, he played for John Rigby there was just a sea of broken kids behind him, he is on photo no 7129 [the lad with the beard] Ha Ha.

Comment by: tuddy on 17th April 2024 at 08:58

I remember once reading about a system in Australia were junior teams were based on weight rather than age. It stops the big lads dominating, and they need to learn other skills instead of just power to beat an opponent.

Comment by: Veronica on 17th April 2024 at 09:22

Peter Walsh would that have been ‘ Tommy’ Gleason with red hair who you ‘feared’? I remember him from Higham St. He also worked at Turner’s Hindley Green in the mid sixties. He used to catch the bus when my friend and I caught it. When the old new baths opened he was with a crowd of us.

Comment by: Veronica on 17th April 2024 at 09:55

I remember having a swimming ‘race’ with him! He didn’t let me win! ;o)

Comment by: Peter Walsh on 17th April 2024 at 15:16

I don't know his Christian name Veronica, but remember him as a good player. I played right centre and if the scruff half was slow I was hammered by him. If I escaped I was away, as I was a fast runner.

Comment by: Veronica on 17th April 2024 at 17:11

There was a couple of other brothers but Tommy was nearer to my age but a couple of years older. He had very red hair but his brothers didn’t. One of his brothers was a very good singer if I remember. I-think he was called Gerald.

Comment by: Peter Walsh on 17th April 2024 at 17:19

Apologies, i meant scrum half, it must be the sherry.

Comment by: B. Lugs on 21st April 2024 at 11:28

i would venture to suggest this photo depicts a scene from later than the date mentioned.
it is more likely to be from the early sixties, as i recognise one or two familiar faces.

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