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Just good friends
Just good friends
Photo: sagaman49
Views: 8,815
Item #: 21334
From the mid sixties outside Hope St Methodist Church and near to the Room At The Top.
Janet Price, Barry Hammond and Wince.
Those were the days.

Comment by: trewyth on 20th August 2012 at 07:07

Great photo ! Barry and Wince will be getting together again to play with the Trolls at a Room at the top Reunion !

Comment by: JB on 20th August 2012 at 13:13

I've never been a "fashion guru" but would Janet's hair style be a classic "Mary Quant" style? - looks great. A simple photo, just 3 friends sitting on a bench, but somehow very evocative of the time.

Comment by: Jarvo on 20th August 2012 at 15:12

Looking at hairstyles of Barry and Wince, I'd guess at 1968...

Comment by: Kenee on 20th August 2012 at 18:53

Was the 'Room' still going in 1968?
I'd say it was a bit earlier, say late 1965 - early 1966.
I don't remember Wince looking like that, I picture him a bit thinner with longer hair. It's a great photo, very evocative of those years.

Comment by: peter on 20th August 2012 at 22:17

Barry hasnt any hair at all now

Comment by: sagaman49 on 20th August 2012 at 22:51

C'mon Baz when was this photo taken? You and Janet were an item for years so it may be difficult but I go along with Kenee in thinking it was 1965/6.

Comment by: Kenee on 21st August 2012 at 13:16

I think those striped blazers came into fashion in late 1965, I got one before Christmas and wore it for much of '66. There's someone sitting the other side of Wince, could it be Rod? He always wore dark jackets or suits.

Comment by: Jarvo on 21st August 2012 at 14:45

The striped jacket that Wince is wearing and his slightly longer hair, indicates late Small Faces: I'd say around the "Ogden's" period...spring, 1968...Am I correct?

Comment by: john julian winstanley aka. 'wince',.. on 21st August 2012 at 15:57

no use in me trying to guess !! dont remember the 60's ..ha ha..!!!!

Comment by: Ann Lewis on 21st August 2012 at 19:09

I would guess at 1966

Comment by: trewyth on 22nd August 2012 at 06:55

I agree, Ann! About 1966.

Comment by: Jarvo on 23rd August 2012 at 18:15

What year then? This is intriguing...

Comment by: josie on 26th August 2012 at 22:15

oh my god i remember barry hammond in 60s me and my friend thought him and his friend were gorgeouse,we were a bit younger than them , i remember barry haveing a date with my sister pat might have been more than one ? he lived at the bottom of belle green lane ince,the other lad was his name david arron ?the name janet price rings a bell did she live in ince sagaman49 ?

Comment by: Paul on 27th August 2012 at 09:47

When & where is the reunion?

Comment by: Stephen on 27th August 2012 at 18:54

Josie, did you live in Earl St?

Comment by: josie on 27th August 2012 at 20:15

no steven,i lived in levens place on estate,before that york st at top of belle green lane .

Comment by: sagaman49 on 29th August 2012 at 11:49

Josie sorry for not replying sooner but I have been on holiday in S.France where I met up with Neil Marr aalso a friend of Barry Hammond and Dave Arron. He thinks Janet used to live in Ince. I saw Dave Arron a couple of years ago on Wigan N W station on his way to Scotland. He still has long hair!

Comment by: JohnAlan on 29th August 2012 at 12:59

Mid sixties I think. Room At The Top, now there's a place to remember for the Mods, became Whelans supermarket in the early 70s I think. A friend of mine, Susan, who lived in Whelley, walked down into Wigan on a dark Sunday night, probably 1965/66 to go dancing at the RATT. Unbeknown to her dad followed at a safe distance, in his carpet slippers mind, and just as she was about to go in her dad's hand grabbed her shoulder "not tonight" he said and marched her back home again. She was much more careful after that to make sure it didn't happen again.

Comment by: Jarvo on 30th August 2012 at 12:48

...What a bloody killjoy he was...Miserable owld git...lol

Comment by: sagaman49 on 30th August 2012 at 20:33

For Paul: I believe there is a reunion of old bands at the Cricket Club on 27 Oct according to Lankybeat website. Hope this is of help.

Comment by: josie on 5th September 2012 at 00:18

sagaman, whitch cricket club ? and didnt barry go by the name of spam ?

Comment by: Erika Winstanley on 26th September 2012 at 15:57

Can I say this without spoiling winces cool.... THATS MY DAD, YAY!!! :)))))

Comment by: josie on 24th October 2012 at 00:06

what cricket club anyone,and erica i lived in hr ince and so did your dad me and my friend sadly passed away now were about 13 and we used to schreem not letting him hear us though as he your dad was older than us and we thought he was gorgeouse lol a real mod yeyyy im'e almost 62 now and your dad is a bit older , my sister had a few dates with his mate barry (spam)dont know if she ever dated your dad her name was pat beckett she was verry pretty and still is oh those were the days ,did your dad marry a local girl and whatever happened to barry ? xxx

Comment by: wince on 2nd December 2012 at 10:12

met a lot of old friends at the reunion, would like to meet more..Remember me ..?get in touch on fb...john julian winstanley...

Comment by: Sue on 27th January 2013 at 16:53

Good pic! I was married to Barrie (Spam) and both of our boys still occasionally get called Spam. Janet was his long term girlfriend before me. He is still in a band (I think) and still playing music and our son Sam and his band have just been signed by Sony, carrying on the tradition, they are called Swiss Lips, check them out!

Comment by: Sue (Hammond that was!) on 27th January 2013 at 17:00

Josie, I should have elaborated on the dates, I'm not sure when the pic was taken but I met him in 1972 and married in 1975, I think its poss the mid to late 60's, I'm still in touch with him so I will ask him. He's played music ever since in one form or another and still lives in Lancs.

Comment by: wince on 19th June 2013 at 08:11

....reunion at cricket club again this year...'the boys' troles let me know rehearsals start september for october...would be good to meet old friends ..xxx..

Comment by: wince on 19th June 2013 at 18:48

..troles reunion wigan cricket club....room at the top...october 13th 2013.

Comment by: Joan Cannie nee McKnight on 7th March 2014 at 23:36

Barry went to my school he was the year above me i also went to the Room at the Top mostly that all nighters we would all meet up at the bus station sometimes we would go to the twisted Wheel end up in the baths or the cafe in Wigan park what a great time

Comment by: john bowyer on 21st August 2014 at 22:16

I used to hang around Wigan in the mid sixties and met barry then I seem to remember Barry running a pub in Westhoughton in the 1970's

Comment by: Sue (Hammond that was) on 3rd October 2014 at 19:11

Hi John Bowyer think you are getting Barrie mixed up with Nige Parr, he had a pub in Westhoughton with his wife Jo, I was married to Barrie then and can assure you it wasn't him1

Comment by: margaret prescott on 16th November 2014 at 23:35

Hiya John Boyer, remember me, from ashton. room at the top, floral hall. Eileen Blackburn. wondered what happened to you.

Comment by: Benjamin Hammond on 5th January 2020 at 22:30

Barrie is my dad, he's still rocking. Best dad on earth

Comment by: Barrie Hammond on 11th April 2021 at 18:58

Only just seen these, April 2021, Josie, I do remember Pat, took her to a party at Wince's in Standish. Josie, I am flattered by your comments but I am now an old baldy in a flat cap with two whippets. Although I do still play in a band, The Robymillbillies, and will be at the Tap and Barrel 8th August 2021, covid permitting. Just to correct a few things, it was around 1966 and Janet was Janet Barlow from Castle Hill in Hindley and was my girlfriend for a few years. I haven't a clue where she is now or what happened to her. Janet Price lived on Belle Green Lane, as I did and I believe she lives in Yorkshire now.

Comment by: jim kershaw on 4th February 2022 at 15:24

this was my period in wigan, does anyone remember, jimmy bolton,john Wilmington,andy baron, bob berry,margaret Battersby ,Betty dicks,susie blan,angela green,joyce woods,brenda seddon,and many more I can't remember their full names, also groups called the wheels, trolls,barry hammond show group,ipso facto, roadrunners,great times.

Comment by: Kenee on 4th February 2022 at 17:26

I remember Margaret Battersby and Mary Corless and a few others whose names escape me.

Comment by: John Foxx on 5th August 2022 at 13:04

I used to go to Plims gigs in the early 1960's. I was still at school. They were the best - got me into rock and blues. Wince was a great front man to a great band.

Comment by: Ian on 5th August 2022 at 19:39

Firstly, I would like to ask this question: 'Are you the same person who was once in a new wave band (circa 1977) and after leaving the band (circa 1980), had a number of solo hits?
I have decided not to name the band nor any information which might be considered to be personal. I know that the person I am referring to lived reasonably close to Wigan.
Sorry for wandering off the main topic of this post.

Regarding this topic, the music scene in connection to the photograph (circa 1966) is before my time. But, some of these people I know and some I know very well through music. Also, I have met many musicians of this period at one of the venues which is regularly held. Sadly, most of these local bands never were given a record deal and I am sure that many of their own songs have been lost through time.

I would be interested in any reunions and performances which are planned to take place. Hopefully, I will be available to attend.

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