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barker family


Landlords Farm
Landlords Farm
Photo: David Barker
Views: 2,210
Item #: 18056
This was taken at Landlords Farm Dicconson Lane from L to R is Henry Walker my grandad,my dad Harold, my uncle John Walker and Fred Hough date taken must be 1949 my dads wedding day my dad as his carnation in his lapel.

Comment by: Ken R on 6th July 2011 at 21:44

Nice to see a family group, there was probably some "meaning" to the dairy implements and such a special day, nice to see a shot of your dad again.

Comment by: David Barker on 7th July 2011 at 00:37

Hi Ken ,your right the cows still have to be milked even on a special day,all hands on deck as they say ,thanks.

Comment by: walter on 7th July 2011 at 20:43

Fred Hough had a daughter named May, we were in the same infants class at Aspull Methodist school in the 50s, Look under Aspull Methodists school you will see a photo of our class, May is in the photo 3rd in from right middle row. I know Tommy Barker also went to this school.

Comment by: David Barker on 7th July 2011 at 21:28

Hi Walter ,I think your on the wrong Fred Hough hes my mothers uncle his daughers name is Betty ,his wifes name was Mary ,who owned Landlords farm with her brother Henry Walker in the photo.

Comment by: walter on 7th July 2011 at 22:23

Sorry David, you are right, wrong chap oops. However, I knew these chaps when I was a kid, each and everyone was a fine fellow. Tommy lived at Moss Pit didn't he, a smashing chap, he would know me, Eric Southern's younger brother Walter, I married the girl next door to him. Mind you, i'll bet you are pleased people are looking great photos, Good one of him and his mum.

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