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Wigan Grammar Schools


Jim Randall
Jim Randall
Photo: Wigan Grammar Scouts at Rivington
Views: 3,363
Item #: 11849
Wigan Grammar Scout Troup orenteering on Rivington Pyke 1960s.

Comment by: Roy Hartley on 21st September 2009 at 10:41

Jim I used to love going to Rivington in my childhood. We had a bomfire there one Nov 5th at my aunts house, out in the sticks. It was reputedly haunted. We used to catch the bus to Horwich, buy Jubblies in those waxed pyramid containers and then walk up to the Pyke. I knew a smashing place on the Pyke, owned by the Water Board, where you could go and lie for hours on the grass, without being seen with just the rabbits for company and a clear gurgling stream.

Comment by: David Lowe on 21st September 2009 at 12:48

Hi Jim your comments about Rivington bring back fond memories. As a young man I would take my sisters dog up to Rivington and like you I would know the quiet places. I would sit in this little valley watching the dog chase the rabbits. It never caught one and wouldnt have known what to do with it if it had of caught one. I have never been for years as you seemed to be getting more and more scowsers with bull terrier type dogs up there. I occassionally drive up to the car parks over looking the reservoirs and have a quiet few minutes.

Comment by: Helen on 21st September 2009 at 13:18

What is the history of Rivington Pike ? I think I read somewhere they were pleasure gardens for a big house, is that so ?

Comment by: Roy on 21st September 2009 at 14:05

Helen. cant say I know, my aunts house was owned by the pipe company where my uncle worked. Lots of land is now owned by the water utility co. I think I recall a telly program about some rich chap who owned an estate up there. Course lots of it is farmland. No doubt someone wiser than me will give us the background.

Comment by: tricia on 21st September 2009 at 18:46


If you do a search on Rivington or Rivington Pike, it will give you all the answers

Comment by: Ruth on 21st September 2009 at 19:56

Interesting facts about Rivington Pike, but surely them faces are stuck onto someone else's bodies (especially the one wearing spectacles), they just don't look real???

Comment by: Roy on 21st September 2009 at 20:19

Cheers Tric. I knew someone wiser than me would help.

Comment by: arco on 21st September 2009 at 20:49

I thought that too Ruth, Them heads are pritt sticked on surely.

Comment by: S. Critchley on 21st September 2009 at 22:46

Actually its probably a photo that was in bad condition and has been digitally enhanced.

Comment by: Bill Neville on 22nd September 2009 at 08:45

Speaking of Rivington I often visit the cafe at the Barn. Its sort of a peaceful spot in a Bedlam world. I also occasionally have lunch at the cafe a bit further on, on the corner has you turn left towards Belmont. Very nice it of life.

Comment by: Annette Curtain on 25th September 2009 at 00:38

I,m sure I know the boy with the bugle, anyway its a wonderful area around Rivington, kids these days never heard of it, shame,but there you go.

Comment by: Tommy Halsall on 25th September 2009 at 13:24

I think the boy with the bugle is Fred Mason.

Comment by: Edward Rudd on 25th September 2009 at 15:44

You're spot on Annette. I hadn't been to Rivi for a while. I got the bug after reading this. Wife and I took the gradkids and a picnic hamper. Very nice day was had by all.

Comment by: Les Peters on 25th September 2009 at 22:03

Edward I dont think that is Fred. See Freds pic on page 2.

Comment by: jymkahnna on 26th September 2009 at 21:39

Folks,,,Rivington Park or whatever you want to call it,belong to Lord Lever,,,,,the self same guy who owned Levers soaps and verious washing powders,,,indeed the self same guy who built Port Sunlight,,,on the Wirrel,,,He then went on to bequeath "Rivington with all its exotic gardens to the working class folk of merseyside,to get time away in the country away from the slums etc etc,,(can i detect an oxymoron in ther some where)..He he

any way dont remember there being such a scout group at Wigan Grammar,,certainly when i was there,,,
ps,,to who ever made the observation,,,there certainly has been some botched prit stick work here,,,,do i detect the hand of "The Oracle"in this

Comment by: Les Behan on 27th September 2009 at 00:06

Interesting bit of history there Gym but I wonder why he donated park and gardens on the outskirts of Wigan for poor people from Birkenhead, long trek in them days.
Oh and like you say, I didn,t know the Grammar had a scout group anyway the two boys look happy enough, thats what its all about, keep smilin, be happy.

Comment by: M. Paget on 27th September 2009 at 14:44

WWigan GS did have a scout troup.

Comment by: Mick on 28th September 2009 at 10:17

" William Hesketh Lever, the late Lord Leverhulme, renowned for his Sunlight Soap empire, gave the land in trust to the people of Bolton " http://www.pauline-roscoe.co.uk/lever.html

Comment by: Alan Finch on 28th September 2009 at 11:09

So Mick. Jymkahnna was spouting a lot of twaddle about Rivington being given to the Scowsers. I thought as much. Why would anyone want to do that. can we not have at least one part of Lancashire Scowser Free!

Comment by: Gwen Davies on 29th September 2009 at 22:32

A couple of smart young lads. Put todays yobs to shame. One on the right, looks familiar, strikes quite a pose. Ob viusly proud to be scouts.

Comment by: Doris Kearns on 30th September 2009 at 17:50

Yes Gwen when you hear about what young lads get up to these days. Its heartwarming to see two such innocent looking boys. Better days. I bet they have grown up to be pillars of society. Alas we will probably never know.

Comment by: Theresa Green on 1st October 2009 at 02:23

maybe two pillocks now, who knows?

Comment by: Helen on 1st October 2009 at 16:23

I never knew anything about the ' rivalry ' between Wiganers & Scousers till I read a good book by Stuart Maconie....

Comment by: Bloo on 1st October 2009 at 19:51

Tell us more Helen .. and by the way .. yoooo can call me Cliff. Have a dew drop ,, beltin.

Comment by: Bob Cox on 2nd October 2009 at 10:51

Does no one give their proper names arund here .. Bloo, Annette Cutain? Now help me out here ,, who is Stuart Marconie? What has all this got to do with Wiganers and Scousers? A tip for this twit Bloo: I'd take you more seriously if you used your proper name.

Comment by: Nelly Hinds on 3rd October 2009 at 14:59

The lad on the left Everard and the lad on the right is Larry. THe caption should be: "oohh - SHUT THAT DOOR".

Comment by: Helen on 4th October 2009 at 08:30

Think I agree with you Bob....couldn't make any sense of ' Bloo'
Stuart Maconie is/was a Wiganer, was a teacher at Skem, a music journalist & part time DJ on BBC radio, he has written a couple of books. The one I read was 'Pies & Predudice' in search of the North. It was a good read, serious & humourous as well...led me on to reading The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell another enlightening read if you had a mining background....or not.
How far these comments have got from a photo of a couple of Boy Scouts!

Comment by: Bob Cox on 4th October 2009 at 14:37

Cheers Helen. Maybe Bloo should read a book or two. Might educate him.

Comment by: Jean Orrell on 4th October 2009 at 23:22

I'm sure the chapon the right is Tony Halliday!

Comment by: Ozzy Destin on 5th October 2009 at 14:44

Jean, I'm not sure your right. I can't help thinking I have seen the one with his hand on his hip before. Its bugging me but I just can't remember.

Comment by: Roscoe on 6th October 2009 at 10:35

I certainly saw lads at the Grammar School in Scout uniform. I'm ptetty sure that one of those lads was Eric Charlston and I think I very tall lad named Bradshaw was one of them.

Comment by: K. Sumner on 6th October 2009 at 10:41

Could the lad with the glasses be Geoff Yates?

Comment by: J. Blackburn on 12th October 2009 at 11:36

Its probably just a look-a-like but the lad on the right has an uncanny resemblance to James Holding from the Darlington Street area.

Comment by: Ozzy on 14th October 2009 at 21:55

Johny your dead on, if thats not James Holding then its a ringer. I just couldnt place the face. Nice one John.

Comment by: jas holding on 16th October 2009 at 00:06

J Blackburn,,,darlington st east to be exact if you dont mind,,lol yes lived at 259 last house at junction of Birkett Bank,,, but sorry should I know you???did you go to St Catherines, I know Ozzie did,,where abouts did you live?Am racking my old brain trying to think,,,let me know please

Comment by: Jonny on 16th October 2009 at 11:34

Jas. Same year as Oz. Platt Lane.

Comment by: K. Hamilton on 17th October 2009 at 18:40

The scout on the left looks a bit like Cliff Higham.

Comment by: S. Bass on 17th October 2009 at 23:11

Is that Ken Hammy. How are you these days.

Comment by: Hammy on 18th October 2009 at 11:14

Minging Sam minging.

Comment by: Mick "Parky" Parkinson on 18th October 2009 at 11:59

I was at the Grammar and in the scouts although not the school troup. Like Roscoe says I think Bradshaw and Charlston were in the scouts and also Paget. But I dont recall the two blokes on the photo ,, are they Holding & Higham? ,,, not sure but then I didnt know them all.

Comment by: Orrellite on 18th October 2009 at 18:48

this photograph does not ring true to me,
The 1st Wigan troop, of which I was a member,WGS did not have any instruments let alone a bugle, the neckerchief was two tone and did not sport a lanyard just a couple of flaws.

Comment by: Roscoe on 18th October 2009 at 19:10

Orrellite? That your first name or surname. Never knew that name when I was at the Grammar. How many years Orry are you before or after these lads. I had a football shirt that was grey and pink instead of black and red. Get the picture "Juggy". Us poor uns could afford what we got. The scouts had all sorts of stuff - bugles, sheath knives, can openers and I bet them two likely lads probably had a couple of woodies in their sky rockets. Behave Orry before I bat thi luggs - get out of it.

Comment by: Orrellite on 18th October 2009 at 20:34

neither Roscoe, check my name on the 40th comment on the 1958 photo above ,first on back row RtL

Comment by: Roscoe on 19th October 2009 at 09:49

CHEERS! mine's a pint o' Tetleys.

Comment by: Norris on 22nd October 2009 at 19:02

Couple of happy little Dib Dobbers - what!

Comment by: Doris Kearns on 25th October 2009 at 16:16

Mr Norris leave these two lovely lads alone. They are an example to todays yobs. It would do a lot of todays juvenile delinquents good to join the scouts. As I said before, if they are still with us they will be pillars of society.

Comment by: K. Jones on 25th October 2009 at 17:26

orrolite,,roscos got a point. when I was at school I only had a woolen ganzy and there was holes in that. had to wear it in all weathers. I had a bad ear and had to wear a woolen helmet with ear flaps like them that hippis wear today. other kids used take the mick. they was hard times.

Comment by: Archie on 26th October 2009 at 09:39

Jemmy lad ,, bit of a tip ,, not wise these days to put your hand on your hip when having a photo shoot!

Comment by: J. Ince on 26th October 2009 at 22:02

Rum jockey Jas.

Comment by: Chrisie Parr on 27th October 2009 at 10:05

It must have been hard those days for the parents of these lads. It was hard enough to afford school uniforms let alone scout uniforms but these likely lads look well shod.

Comment by: Orrellite on 27th October 2009 at 15:19

I certainly did know what it was to be without. all my clothes were homemade, Blazer,shirts and trousers if it had been allowed to wear clogs at WGS Iwould have had those made by my uncle as had been the case all through primary school albeit we had lace ups and not clasps with rubbers not irons.

Comment by: Routh on 27th October 2009 at 18:26

When I went to WGS I was told they wear uniforms to make everybody look equal. First thing I noticed was that the posh lads from Wigan Lane had gaberdine pants and blazers and nice nylon shirts & socks and silk ties. Us poor uns had everything made out of flannel with pants that rubbed your legs in winter and made em sore. We had rough leather satchels whilst the posh kids had nice soft leather ones. Some point in a uniform. I jacked the uniform altogether in the second year. I wore a flat cap and although it still had red and black stripes they confiscated it. Where did these nancy boy teachers think we got the money from - imagine swiping your cap - it was theft.

Comment by: jas holding on 31st October 2009 at 21:34

archie,,,I know that now,,have learned the hard way,,,what you doing these days,,,still on the H&S and St Johns??

Doris,,,,I can just confirm your thoughts ,the faces that appear on the pics are alive and well and as you so rightly say,,pillars of society,,,

Comment by: Frank Healy on 1st November 2009 at 18:09

:o) Is there a connection between Jim Randall, Jim Khana & Blue Peter, I ask myself? :o)

Comment by: Dummican on 1st November 2009 at 19:28

Frank didn't Blue Peter star in those old Emanuelle movies?
James is that Dave Morris with you on the photo?

Comment by: Harry Winstnaley on 6th November 2009 at 11:36

I know the lad on the right with his hand on hip. Its Jimmy Holding from Kipling Avenue.

Comment by: M. Stone on 10th November 2009 at 13:30

Handsome chap James Holding.

Comment by: J. Ince on 12th November 2009 at 10:50

Rum jockey jas holding.

Comment by: ritson on 13th November 2009 at 09:32

I know what K Jones means,,when I was at school most of my kit came fro kays in darlington st ,, tell you what though , them scouting lads on here didnt get their clobber from kays.

Comment by: Blue Boy on 13th November 2009 at 10:32

I remember Kays shop. Me and my mates used to buy old gas masks from there for sixpence...the ones with the long canvas tube and a brown tin box dangling from the underside. Try buying them for your kids today and expecting them to have hours of fun. Can remember my mother (god bless her) buying me a pair of khaki shorts from kays for school, they had turn-ups on them (not joking) and button up flys. I think they were desert army surplus! Tartan pumps as well...The things we wore for school... :-)

Comment by: George Roby on 27th November 2009 at 16:07

I think the lad on the right, James Holding, used to be a ticket clerk working on the old central station in Wigan.

Comment by: Tony Greenacre on 28th November 2009 at 13:33

George I dont know about working on the railways but James Holding definitely worked at Gullicks.

Comment by: M. Bo on 29th November 2009 at 12:29

Yeah he were a real a___ hole.

Comment by: jim holding on 29th November 2009 at 21:54

Hey up,,george,,you getting me mixed up with bill (tash) ashurst who indeed worked at the old Wigan Central,,,,,how you tony,long time no see or speak, thanks m.bo,,,love u to

Comment by: Mick on 30th November 2009 at 10:51

Sorry Jim just joshin.

Comment by: K. Pilkington on 31st December 2009 at 11:15

I wish a Happy New Year to all old scouts. Especially these two worthy lads Jim Holding and Cliff Higham. Keep up the good works and traditions lads.

Comment by: S. Critchley on 4th January 2010 at 10:54

I didnt know that Jim was in the Scouts but it is a very worthy organisation. I would be interested to know if he is still keeping up the good work. A Happy New Year to all.

Comment by: Subbs on 7th January 2010 at 21:33

Yeah James Holding probably was a scout. Its the sort of thing he would do. I remember seeing him as a kid in Schofield Lane in cubs uniform.

Comment by: jim holding on 16th January 2010 at 21:40

Hi Steven,,
how you doing,what you up to these days,,,was showing my grandson round the old hauntsnot long back,,,,where the little sandhole was,,down towards "the clarry" and "the rec" round where masons hollow,,,,bibbys backs,,,blind steps,,,lots of changes ,,progression hey,,,,,keeping up thegood work???? depends on what you call good work I suppose,,,Still managing to keep going and earning a crust so can,t complain,,,what about you,,,,

you right though was never in scouts,,,boy brigade for me,,

Comment by: S. Critchley on 20th January 2010 at 12:55

Ah! The Clarry, James. I do have vivid memories. I recall Eddie Rudd pulling up bullrushes and trying to persuade us to eat bulbs. There was a pig pen as I recall close by. The pond was full of stcicklebacks, frogs, toads and newts and the kids would often fish out dead rats. There was a number of these kinds of ponds around which dont seem to exist these days. Yes James kids were much closer to the earth those days.

Comment by: S. Critchley on 22nd January 2010 at 12:21

James do you remember there was a pad on one side of the Clarry which led up to Platt Lane. There were loads of sheds on either side.
As you got to the top of the pad. on the left. on the corner of Platt Lane lived William Eckersley. Do you remember him?
Annie McKnight lived opposite and there was another pond behind her house. It wasnt as big as the Clarry. I think they called it the Claypit? Memmories James memmories!

Comment by: Subbs on 26th January 2010 at 10:01

It must have been the Boys Brigade then. I thought I'd remembered seeing James Holding in Schofeild Lane in a cubs uniform.

Comment by: Ed Rudd on 6th February 2010 at 14:24

You've better memory than me Steve but I do recall most of it.

Comment by: Ed Rudd on 10th February 2010 at 11:23

I didnt fancy the scouts like me owl pal James Holding but we were both in the Ovalteenies Club if my memory serves me well.

Comment by: O. Bamber on 14th February 2010 at 13:39

Roses are red and violets are fine,
Lovely Jim Holdings my valentine.
Lots of xxxx.

Comment by: jim holding on 21st February 2010 at 00:51

steven,eddie,, hows things with you boys,,,I.ll tell one thing I do remember about the the "clarry,,,s the amount oy boys who got the legs stuck in the gratings on the waterduct(for want of a better description,,where the clarry went underground,,,remember countless lads getting there legs stuck ,leslie peet,,brian turner to name a couple I knew for sure not sure if david morris was stuck at one time,but yes remember the pad,,,also at the start ofthat pad to the left,,a watrer spring used to surface there at the bottom of the grey hills,,,,a place where you used to refresh on your way to the iron bridge and rockies beyond,,,

Eddie cant confirm the boy scouts,,we in the life boys,,,held in Platt Lane Mission,,,,class run by "Sergeant Brooks" I do remember him,,,,

Tell you what Steven,,what I do remember with all the snow we just had,,was sledgeing down Birkett St where you lived,,and down the little sand hole,,and the big sandhole...now that was suicide alley,suppose the equvilant of a black route in todays sking,,

Used to remember pauline winstanleys grandma used to put ashes down across the street top spoil the "piste"and someone used to be at the bottm of the street to warn the sledgers in case a car came down Birky Bank,,,,,A car,,can you imagine that today,,,,having said that I do remember that you had one,,A Hillman if an not mistaken ,,an ex police car that your dad bought,,,,

O Bamber,,,thanks for the valentines wishes,,,would that be your real self,,,an not some scoundral using your name,,which does happen on his site,,,on these very school pages,,,,but for the memories will consider it to be you,,,,thanks and the very same to you,,all be it a few days late,,,my appologies,,have been in lanzarote for a bit of winter sun ,,

Comment by: O.B. on 24th February 2010 at 16:48

Its all right for some Jim. I bet you have a lovely tan. Love Olga.

Comment by: Bob Cox on 9th March 2010 at 13:01

Helen. I saw Stuart Maconie on the box this morning. Didnt know him untill you mentioned him above. Apparently he's made a TV documentay In Search of Middle England, I thnk. He said he was chuffed that the BBC News had just shown Rodalega's goal for the Latics against Liverpool. For a Wiganer he seems to have a bit of a scouse accent.
Annyway I bet if you looked up these two boy scouts on the photo they would now definitely be Little Englanders, bedroom slippers, cardigan, fireside chair etc. Nice cup a tea and Terry Wogan - what!

Comment by: G. Smith on 30th April 2010 at 13:58

I was in the scouts at WGS at the same time as these two lads but a didnt realise that these two were as well. Cliff not seen you for years nor you Jas. How are you both doing? Can you still get about? I'm still doing things in the scout movement. Glad to have you on board, if you fancy it. We could do with some new blood. Do you feel up to giving some talks to the young folk? Geoff.

Comment by: S. Critchley on 4th May 2010 at 11:35

You wont remember me I left WGS early. I think James and Clifford no longer write on the site. They may not be well. Maybe someone who knows them will comment.

Comment by: S. Critchley on 17th June 2010 at 09:13

I spotted a picture of James Holding in the St Catherines walking day parade in Darlington Street East. Its in the Walking Days section.

Comment by: Archie on 3rd August 2010 at 14:36

Steven lad - have you been on the pop. I cant find a pic of Jim in the St Cats walking day pictures.

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