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Whitley High School


Whitley High School
Whitley High School
Photo: Brian
Views: 4,767
Item #: 32532
Photo taken in the early 80s.
(Photo by John Metcalfe).

Comment by: Cyril on 20th June 2020 at 14:50

The Beech hedge is still there, though a lot taller, it now forms the boundary that runs along Whitley Crescent and of the houses that were built on the site of the school.

Comment by: Chris on 29th June 2020 at 10:01

Cyril, you are spot on. I spent my teenage years living in one of the McClean houses that was built on the site of the school. I do actually recall the steel railings used as pedestrian barriers at the former school entrance (these are commonly used to stop pupils spilling out onto the road) were still left in place on Whitley Crescent for a few years after the new estate was built before being removed by the council.

Comment by: Eduardo on 6th October 2020 at 20:50

aka 'The Plasterboard Prison' as it was known to the inmates. Built over a geological Fault Line (St. Catherine's Fault) and the exposed Steel Frame in the Central Core was sprung to allow it to flex.

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