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 	Standish mineral line tunnel
Standish mineral line tunnel
Views: 3,250
Item #: 31264
My cousin Nick Lane pictured holding an icicle taken from the roof of the short tunnel through which Standish mineral line passed near Prospect around 1982. The tunnel is just about visible in the background, I think the tunnel has now been filed in and it was about 50m long.

Comment by: Poet on 12th June 2019 at 07:11

As summer school boy truants we used to walk from Standish to Boar's Head along the old line. Although disused the rusty rails were still in place at that time and the game was who could tightrope along them the furthest.
To us the tunnel seemed much longer than 50m for the ball of light at the other end looked like the moon in the night sky.
And so cold inside. The birdsong ceased and was replaced by the sound of rushing wind and dripping water. What a relief to emerge into the warm sunlight. I think there were icicles in that tunnel even in summer.

Comment by: Linma on 12th June 2019 at 07:44

I lived at Prospect garage and the times I walked through that tunnel. I was always glad when i got to the other side. We were once going through when the train came and we had to press our bodies against the wall of the tunnel.

Comment by: Veronica on 12th June 2019 at 16:14

He reminds me of a very young Hawkeye from M.A.S.H. Waving the icicle at the 'godammed' helicopter. I haven't watched the repeats for some time....

Comment by: Roy on 13th June 2019 at 00:20

Tim and Poet, definitely longer than 50 metres more like 100 yards plus, walked though it many times. Brilliant photo Tim.

Comment by: Barrie on 13th June 2019 at 16:59

See #29668 (Places-Standish) of the tunnel and as it was in 2011. Has anyone on WW any idea when the Tunnel was constructed? As kids we always took it was very old seeing it went under Beech Walks.The rail line was relaid when the drift mine was built in the 1950's but it shows up on a map of 1910 feeding Prospect Pits and Almond Brook.
I wonder whether it was filled in or just earthed at the 2 entrances.

Comment by: Philip G. on 13th June 2019 at 19:00

A Special photo, with great celebratory pose from Nick, Tim.
I'd also like to mention how Poet's chilling 'ball of light in the night sky' and Nick's close resemblance to 'Showaddy's' Dave Bartram remind me of the Group's ever-popular opening scene: The silent darkened room awoken by the drone of a Lancaster and its two merging shafts of light upon the stage, and then, later, a tingling rendition of Johnny Remember Me. Thanks.

Comment by: Poet on 13th June 2019 at 20:32

Barrie, just had a gander at #29668 as you suggest. Oh my , how spooky to see that old moon again.

Comment by: Jimbo on 28th November 2019 at 20:59

The tunnel was built in 1866/7 when the Wigan Coal and Iron Company took over all of the Standish pits. It linked the pits and yards in the south with those in the north. The tunnel under Wigan Road was closed. Nick hasn't changed much.

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