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St Catharines church


St Catharine's Church Grand Carnival Saturday 21st August 1954 ProgrammeB
St Catharine's Church Grand Carnival Saturday 21st August 1954 ProgrammeB
Photo: JohnAlan
Views: 1,135
Item #: 22700
do you remember enjoying ice cream os lolly pops made by Wigan Dairies Ltd or dancing to Frank Hidden and His Band? I don't remember Heber St? Does anyone know where it was/is?

Comment by: Elizabeth Fairclough on 10th February 2013 at 19:12

I remember there being a Heber Street off Ince Green Lane, near to Hook Street, near the old Ince Central school(where Central Flats are now) when I was growing up in Ince.I think Irene Roberts might remember the street.

Comment by: Alba on 11th February 2013 at 09:36

Fairy Ices was in Moore st Nr. Whelley School and started by Rimmers after they sold out Wigan Dairies. We got a new science teacher at Whelley school about 1947 who learned us how to electro plate. Some pupils ( Nameless) silver plated halfpennies and spent them as shillings(5p) buying ice creams.from Rimmers this resulted in a police enquiry into " Counterfieting "

Comment by: irene roberts on 11th February 2013 at 14:45

Like Elizabeth, the only Heber St. in the Wigan area I know is in Higher Ince, just off Hook Street, and I do remember an elderly lady called Mrs. Hidden from around that area; she could have been Frank's mother.

Comment by: Bill on 12th February 2013 at 10:31

Mrs Hidden lived in one of the four council houses between Heber st and Bird St as Irene said and she was the mother of Frank Hidden.

Comment by: Mabel Sharples (nee Rimmer) on 15th April 2015 at 23:17

I do remember Wigan Dairies. The owners were my Uncle Bob & Auntie Edith.

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