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Unknown Train 2
Unknown Train 2
Views: 2,059
Item #: 24171
Does anyone know what this is?

Comment by: cullie on 23rd November 2013 at 08:17

i know one thing for sure it sure is'nt wigan i think there on the wrong site

Comment by: Tommy on 23rd November 2013 at 09:03

Well it's not wallgate or north West station

Comment by: RON HUNT on 23rd November 2013 at 09:24

Sorry guys, it's me having a bit of a joke<g> They were taken on the Moscow to Kazan part of the 5000 mile Moscow to Vladivostok, Trans Siberian Express, when I was over there to watch the Latics.

Comment by: Albert. on 23rd November 2013 at 11:25

If you used their railway Ron. How did their railway system, and network, compare with our railway system, and network?

Comment by: RON HUNT on 23rd November 2013 at 11:53

Albert, We traveled on the overnight sleeper train from Moscow to Kazan 12 hours. What an experience <g> When I have time I'll write it all down. To say our carriage was a bit antiquated, is an understatement. Each carriage like ours had 8 compartments each had four beds they were similar to the old style carriages with a corridor but the compartments were not as big, probably 8 foot by 6 foot at the most. the two seats were beds and there were two bunk beds there was a small table between the seats. Each carriage had a woman in charge who was constantly shouting at us in Russian. for drinking and making a noise. We named her Doreen<g> You can't blame her as people traveling probably had to work the day after to us it was an adventure to them it was a necessity.One Russian guy barged in to our compartment shouting in Russian and threatened to have us arrested denoted by him holding his hands together as if handcuffed...
It was pot luck who you shared with three of our group had a Russian woman in their compartment and two others had a young Russian couple in theirs. They just seemed to accept it!!! Toilets weren't very good... God knows what they would be like after 5,000 miles.
The train we traveled from Kazan to the airport, was modern with open carriages, similar to our high speed train but had more room and better seats. Each carriage had a woman ticket inspector, smartly dressed in a uniform, and a guard That's why there isn't much unemployment... Over here we have one guard/ ticket inspector on a train

Comment by: Albert. on 23rd November 2013 at 15:41

Thanks Ron. A very enlightening saga. Looking forward to the next instalment.

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