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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album



Rabbit Rocks
Rabbit Rocks
Photo: Gerry
Views: 4,214
Item #: 6465
looking towards Wigan in the 70s

Comment by: THEIK C on 26th June 2008 at 15:56

worslry mesnes tower blocks behind gas holders

Comment by: Gareth on 26th June 2008 at 16:49

Do them still exist?.....Absolutly cracking photograph, makes me want to go out and take an "after" pic but it's bucketing down so I'll give that a miss...lol

Comment by: xxStuartxx on 26th June 2008 at 18:32

Where's the Grey Hills gone?

Comment by: Jim Latham on 26th June 2008 at 19:50

No, the 3 blocks of flats shown in the photo were demolished about 1989 or 1990. Westwood power station was demolished in 1989. Fortunately Billinge Hill is still there.

Comment by: Marcus on 16th April 2014 at 16:54

Only because the council could get a big enough wreckin' ball to it Jim !!!! ;o)

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