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Winifred Hollingsworth
Winifred Hollingsworth
Photo: David Halliwell
Views: 2,101
Item #: 30143
Photo uploaded on behalf of Veronica

Comment by: irene roberts on 29th January 2018 at 16:19

I can remember having a ribbon tied in my hair as a child in the 1950s. The trend has now come back....so many little girls at my grand-daughter's school now wear a big bow in their hair; of course the bows are attached to a hair-slide these days and so are easy to use AND they keep their shape. The little girls look so pretty and feminine wearing them, as does young Winifred in the photo. Some of the old girls' names are coming back too.

Comment by: Veronica on 29th January 2018 at 17:02

Somethings never change do they Irene. I was intrigued with little Winifred's purse and her necklace. I would imagine the dress was made in velvet. If you remember the bridal picture a couple of weeks ago this little girl was the bride. All these photos were in my Grandmother's old tin and I didn't know who the people were. Now I know because of Wigan World. I would recommend anyone putting old photos on here as you never know who knows the people in them. I did notice the chair she is stood on is the same one as my dad was stood on in his photo!

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 30th January 2018 at 09:40

Another endearing photo, she is so sweet.

Comment by: Hilary Barker on 1st September 2018 at 15:30

This is the first time I have seen this pbot of my mother. Grandad Jimmy did carry a small version of in his wallet after he left when she was 16. He still had it the day he died in our house in Norley Hall.

Comment by: Hilda Haselden on 3rd September 2018 at 11:26

My lovely Auntie Winnie she took me in when I had nowhere else to go when I was 14 thank you Hilary for telling me about these pictures I have never seen these pictures before xxxxxx

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