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Hindley & Abram Grammar School, Hindley


HAGS teachers 1969
HAGS teachers 1969
Photo: irene roberts nee griffiths
Views: 11,642
Item #: 9240

Comment by: jeremyb on 12th February 2009 at 19:28

I left in 1963. The ones I recognise are---
Front starting with third in from left is Stabler,Tomlinson,Hughes,Crossley,Vernon,Chilvers, ? ,Corner and Gubby Allen.

Back row from right to left Cooper,Ben Lee, ? , ? , Jack Lord.

Comment by: Evelyn on 12th February 2009 at 21:41

Hi Irene, thats a lot better.I thought Jack Lord was next to Miss Willis on the other photo, but I can now see him on
the back row.Can now see Mr Tomlinson ,Mr Crossley(Headmaster)Mrs Vernon and last but not least who could forget Joey Corner.He was still there in the 80's when my children went but the school was then called Park High.
One of the teachers on the back row,I think his name is Len Atkinson,was a prefect at H.A.G.S when I started in 1951

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 15th February 2009 at 15:31

yes, Evelyn, that is Mr. Atkinson, but I think it was LES, not LEN. He was our form-teacher in 5A, and a bit of a heart-throb!

Comment by: June on 16th February 2009 at 19:07

Is that Mr.Collinson (music),sitting between Miss Whillas and Miss Stabeler ?

Comment by: June on 16th February 2009 at 19:11

4th from left on back row - could that be Mr.Wilshaw biology?

Comment by: June on 16th February 2009 at 20:15

Brilliant picture Irene,but its driving me round the bend.Will put down some names then perhaps someone out there can correct me.-Please--Front row left to right - Whillas,Collinson,Stabeler,Tomlinson,?,Crossley,Vernon,Chilvers,Unsworth,Corner and Allen.Centre row,5th from left -Heald,2nd from right-Jones then Sherrington.Back row-from right-Cooper,Leigh,?,?,Lord,?,Wilshaw.When I left in 1968,Miss Anderton was teaching English,Mr.Naylor was teaching music and divinity,but I cant make them out.As an afterthought, I think the guy stood behind 'Gubby' is Alf Hart,small, red haired chap,but didn't teach me.I cant make out Mr.Yates either who took maths.Any corrections anyone??

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 17th February 2009 at 14:58

hi June! you're right on the names you've mentioned. 2nd right back row is "Ben"(can't remember his surname). Next to him is the German Student-teacher, Herr somebody-or-other, then Mr. Atkinson......2nd left middle row is Mr. Haslam, and the two ladies next to him worked in the office. Mrs. Heald came next, don't know the next two ladies, but the one after them is Miss Yates.Is the man next to Mr. Tomlinson Mr. Lord? Not sure on that.Glad you liked the photo, June! Any more comments, anyone?

Comment by: irene on 17th February 2009 at 15:08

just realised you asked about Mr. Naylor,June. He isn't on the photo, but I have a photo of him as my class-teacher in the first year.

Comment by: RoyM on 18th February 2009 at 16:16

I should remember all these because I'm in the picture but there are one or two I can't name. Here goes:
Back row: Omi (lab tecnician) / Jack Roberts (Physics) / Alan Brooks (German) / Roy Wilshaw (Biology) / Peter Ganley (French) / Jack Lord (p.e.) / Les Atkinson (English) / Gunter (German assistant) / Roger Leigh (Chemistry) / John Cooper (Woodwork/metalwork)
Second row: Me(Roy Millett) (Physics / Maths) / Ken Haslam (English-I think) / Jean norris & ? (office staff) / ? / Pam Barlow )Latin - I think) / Judith Yates (Maths) / Pauline Sherrington (p.e) / Mrs Crossley? / Adrian Hart (Chemistry)
Front row: Kate Whillas (French) / Roy Collinson (Music) / Bill Tomlinson (Maths) / David Rogers (Deputy Head) / Tom Crossley (Headmaster) / Meg Vernon (Senior Mistress) / Don Chilver (French) / ? / Bob Corner (Geography) / Dennis Allen (Geography)

Comment by: RoyM on 18th February 2009 at 16:23

Sorry, missed out Kit Stabeler on the front row between Roy Collinson and Bill Tomlinson. Kit taught Maths, of course.

Comment by: Graham Unsworth on 8th April 2009 at 18:27

I recogise Mr Brooks on the back row and I think the guy third from r on the back row was a German exchange teacher. Ma Anderton left just before this.

Comment by: Billy Green on 8th April 2009 at 20:39

The German exchange teacher was known to us as Herr Ehlers (dubious sp.pron. Aylars)Think he had a Citoen 2cv if memeory serves right.He reffed us once in a house match and was royally pilloried for giving offside direct from a throw-in.

Comment by: Rod Ashurst (was RAMS) on 9th April 2009 at 12:14

Mrs Whillas (Wilma), who was my form teacher in first and second year, taught history (don't remember if she did French as well) and gave me a real whallop one day for no good reason (honest!)

Comment by: Tony May on 10th April 2009 at 10:50

You did alright if you only got one whallop from her. I'm still waiting for the hair to grow back on the side of my head after Bill Tom taught me quadratic equations.

Comment by: elizabeth haslam nee Cottriall[Cotty] on 11th April 2009 at 14:44

I think the person in between Mr Chilver and Mr Corner is Miss Unsworth art teacher but where is Mrs Heald domestic science? I left in 1969 and Im sure she was there but I cant see her.Oh and as to Miss Willas, she called me a fishwife because I was whistleing in the corridor.It didnt stop me then and it hasnt stopped me now!! and how could I possibly be a fishwife living in Wigan with only the canal to fish from??

Comment by: elizabeth haslam on 11th April 2009 at 14:58

On scrutinising I think middle, row 5th from the left is Mrs Heald can anyone confirm?

Comment by: Roy Millett on 11th April 2009 at 17:33

You're quite right. Fifth from the left on the second row is Jean (Mrs) Healdxd5at

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 11th April 2009 at 17:39

yes, it is Mrs Heald. won't let me send e-mail for some reason. Hope all is well with you and yours. Irene.

Comment by: Tony May on 16th April 2009 at 07:37

Thank you, Irene, for posting this photograph. It has brought back quite a few memories, not all of them bad. And thanks, Roy Millett, for filling out the names. One of the memories was of my first Physics class with you and your careful instruction to get the spelling of your name right. Is there a history teacher, Dixon, missing from the photo? I'm not sorry about that.

Comment by: Roy Millett on 24th April 2009 at 10:01

Thanks Tony,
i remember you very clearly. There was a History teacher, Brian Dixon, but I think he left at the end of my first year, 1969 that would be. He was replaced by Ron Eastham. By the way, what are you doing with yourself now? I hope you're keeping well.

Comment by: Tony May on 1st May 2009 at 00:09

I'm doing fine, Roy. I hope you are keeping well yourself. I washed up in Brisbane some years ago and I'm settled here for a while. If you feel like a conversation, I'm at mayismus@gmail.com. Alternatively, I'm back in Wigan for a few weeks in June and we could have a more convivial hello then.

Comment by: Stephen Oddie on 4th May 2009 at 23:50

The female teacher behind Mr Crossley is, I think, Miss Evans. She replaced Miss Anderton as my English teacher and form teacher. She was only there for a year and was replaced by Miss Topping (I think).

Comment by: Denis Hough on 25th May 2009 at 20:45

hi everyone who remembers me. I remember you all. Just trying to find out which day you were allowed to turn up at school with your Scout's uniform on, not that I used to do that dressing up thing. Was it Baden Powell's birthday or the founding of the Boy Scouts date, or maybe something else ? Anyway how many teachers are still with us?
Do hope Pam Barlow, Judith Yates, Carole Stabeler are still alive and kicking. Also Roy Millet & Peter 'B4 the verb' Ganley ...should have done French it's so much easier than Physics... but everything is easier given hindsight. Mr Wilshaw (History) frightened the life out of me, Miss Sherington , if only I could draw.
Hopefully speak to you all soon.

Comment by: Roy Millett on 27th May 2009 at 10:06

Hi Dennis, Nice to hear from you. I can't remember the Boy Scout uniform bit at all,I'm afraid (old age catching up with me). The teachers who I know are still around are Peter Ganley(living in Shevington),myself (in Standish), Adrian Hart (in Coppull), Bob Corner (in Charnock Richard) and Alan Brooks (somewhere in Spain). I went round to where Alan Brooks used to live(in Atherton)a few weeks ago to see how he's getting on because I haven't seen him since he retired, only to be told that they'd sold up and gone to live in Spain.

Comment by: Tony May on 31st May 2009 at 00:25

Dennis, Stephen, nice to hear your voices. Following your comments, Dennis, I have to say that when Peter Ganley's name comes into my memory, 'B4 the verb' is always attached to it. My French might be atrocious but I do remember that.

Comment by: Roger Hart on 12th November 2010 at 13:50

I Seem to remember that we were allowed to wear scout uniform on the days we were delivering the Christmas Post around the school, which Ben Leigh organised all my tine at HAGS (63 -70. It was bl**dy cold in shorts in December I remember!!

Comment by: Brian Clarke on 15th June 2011 at 10:55

What a trip down memory lane! I have (mostly) fond memories of HAGS and would love to find out where everyone ended up, staff and students. Graham - do you remember Miss Smith and the concert trips to Manchester, I'm sure it was you performing body guard duties, who else went on those trips? I hope people still look here - it's a bit moribund now.

Comment by: Victoria Roberts on 6th September 2012 at 19:23

Mr Roberts (deceased, 1980) is my dad. I'd love to hear any memories, pleasant or otherwise (he could be very stern at times to say the least!).

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th September 2012 at 16:02

I have a look now and then to see if there are any further comments, but usually there are none. Nice to see people ARE still looking. Lots of people may have moved away and don't know Wigan World exists.

Comment by: Barbara Flitcroft (was Nicholson) on 6th November 2012 at 22:20

I joined the first year at HAGS in 1969. I loved French with Miss Barlow, she really inspired me. Now I'm head of a primary school, all the pupils from Reception to Y6 learn French.

Comment by: Frank Lee on 3rd August 2014 at 18:45

Have viewed the staff photograph and recognise some of the persons.
Yes, it is Miss Unsworth on the front row next to Mr Corner.
I'd particularly like to know what happened to Margaret Anderton who took me for English throughout my time at HAGS from 1956 to 60 in 2C & 3C (With William S. Brocklebank as form teacher) and then Gubby Allen in 3 & 4G - he used to run the tuck-shop.
Fond memories of the school trip to Paris and Britanny with David Stott, Alan Cooper, et al in 1959 and the Easter camps at New Hall Grasmere with Dave Ramsden who I think finished up teaching at Hesketh Fletcher in Atherton.
Could go on for ever!

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 11th August 2014 at 16:17

Gubby Allen was still there when I left in 1969 as, I think, was Miss Anderton, but I have no info after that. Glad to see people still discovering these photos!

Comment by: Susan McDonnell(Lord) on 9th November 2014 at 02:29

What a blast from the past! Jack Lord was my Dad, he died in 2007, I recognise a lot of the faces and names from my childhood, because we lived in Wigan I went to WGHS.

Comment by: Stuart Pemberton on 6th December 2015 at 16:58

I started in 1969. Mr Roberts taught us physics and I bumped into him with his family (all girls if I remember correctly). He stood and talked for ages - I didn't expect that from a teacher so was hugely impressed. Pete Ganley taught me to ride a motorcycle (his Sunbeam S8) down the side of the tennis courts. He turned up at my mums one day with a pile of French motorcycle magazines as he'd realised I only had one passion and it wasn't French. Got me through the O Level though ! Loads of great memories of HAGS, not all printable :-)

Comment by: Jessica (Ganley) Robinson on 16th March 2016 at 14:45

My Dad, Peter Ganley, passed away two weeks ago. He taught French at HAGS/Park High. My family and I would love to hear more anecdotes from his pupils.

Comment by: Gareth Cheetham on 19th March 2016 at 14:55

Jessica, I am so sorry to hear about your father. He was a force of nature, and taught me French around 1983-5. His enthusiasm for his subject and his pupils'progress was infectious, and his arrival at school every morning on his GS850 was always a spectacle. I only spoke to him in Wigan a couple of years ago and not only did he remember my name, but all manner of details about me and my friends. An amazing man, I don't think many teachers today could carry off his unique form of craziness. So sorry for your loss- having him as your father probably made your upbringing a real adventure. RIP

Comment by: Stuart Pemberton on 11th January 2017 at 12:34

Jessica, so sad to hear of your dad's death. Not only did he teach me to ride he also introduced me to motorcycle racing by taking me up to Aintree. I still ride and still watch the racing. I can also still speak a bit of French as well - it was hammered into me via the back of my head by a large French English dictionary that he used to elicit attention from those of us not paying attention. Once he encouraged me and another pupil to answer an advertisement in MCN looking for schoolboys to take up grass track racing. Off we went but it soon became apparent it was more about schoolboys than motorcycles so we legged it. The following morning we saw your dad and told him about the experience. He told us not to worry as he'd sort it. Next day he'd 'sorted' it. I used to spend ages talking to him about bikes and occasionally get a lift home on the back of the Commando. Good memories. It must be comforting to know that he touched so many lives. I used the same methods to teach my son to ride a motorcycle as he did me. RIP.

Comment by: Mark Liptrot on 3rd October 2017 at 22:51

I remember a lot of those names - Roy Millet in particular. And Dave Roberts - I'm surprised more people didn't remember his name - absolutely lovely bloke.

Comment by: William Gill on 3rd November 2017 at 14:35

Peter Ganley... made my life totally miserable. The man was my form teacher and bully. I wasn’t the only one. I recall being held back after French class and being asked “why are you so stupid?” This 1to 1 abuse went on for several months. I recall he victimised a pupil for coming last in those aweful cross countries passed the pig farm.. humiliating him in front of everyone.. made him stand on a table in the changing rooms hilts he said really nasty things. He should never have been allowed to teach.

Comment by: Peter Crossley on 30th April 2018 at 22:25

Hello. Mr & Mrs Crossley were my grandparents. They both made it to ~90 during a happy retirement. My Dad, Andrew, and Uncle, Roger, had to endure having their Father as headteacher but came through unscathed and are both well.

Comment by: Andrew Crossley on 1st May 2018 at 21:33

Correction to Peter Crossley. Only I went HAGS, brother Roger went to Wigan Grammar School. This photo seems to be sometime after I left in 1961 so only recognise back row 9 from left "Pee Wee" Leigh, Chemistry, 10 from left Johnny Rentokill/ Johnny Woodworm / Mr. Cooper, woodwork middle row 10 from left Mrs. Crossley - don't know what she was doing there, front row 2 from left Mr. Collinson, music, 4 from left " Fat Bill ", maths, 5 from left Mr." ut takes the subjunctive" Rogers, Latin, 6 from left TC, 7 from left Mrs " Ma Ve ( with an acute accent )" Vernon, French, 10 from left Joey the Geographer Corner ( North End fan ) and 11 from left Gubby Allen, geography. Didn't recognise Jack Lord who caught me under-age drinking with the lads from Standish and told my Dad, the rotter. No Billy Brock, biology, John Wise, physics, Holy Harry, RE, Mr " Hold your recorder properly" Lund, Music, "Dad" Sharratt, maths - must have all left by then.

Comment by: Andrew Crossley on 2nd May 2018 at 09:12

The person back row, third from right, was the German student teacher Gunter Netzer or however it was spelt. He came in the late 60's after I left home. On arrival Mum and Dad let him stay at our house for a few days until he found accommodation somewhere. He stayed with them all year! One cold day he came home after overhearing a conversation in the school staff room. He told Mum that
" de day was for de brass monkeys". He came with our gang to camp on Mull at Easter. He didn't seem used to camping and brought his rolled umbrella - or did he know more about the weather on Mull than us ? One day we walked up Ben More and saw a long line of red deer. " They must be English deer" he proclaimed " They have formed an orderly queue". He kept in touch for years before falling off the radar.
On the subject of Germany, Dad took a party of Hindley pupils to Aachen. The headmaster there was a Dr. Nurt who welcomed the party in English. To return the compliment and not to be outdone Dad learned German to make his speech for the return visit to Hindley. He drove the family silly at that time insisting on talking German at meal times. Tasse und untertasse ( cup and saucer ?) is all that I remember of that episode.

Comment by: Will on 20th December 2018 at 02:02

Peter Ganley if you where in his good books your the best But What about those not good French or games? He would hold me back from French class and ask.. “why are you so stupid? or lazy... your hopeless” This happened several times. He completely destroyed my confidence. My question to him if he is still alive.. “ why where you such@ *** my sin I was simply no good at French. In his eyes unforgivable. He
also took games and would humiliate in certain pupils who didn’t meet his standards. I hope there are no Peter Ganleys inflictinting their destructive teaching on impressionable children today.

Comment by: KEVIN HUGHES on 27th January 2019 at 17:40

I think the elder son of Mr.Crossley(Roger) taught me maths for a few lessons in 1960 at HAGS.He stood in as a short term replacement for the established teacher,and explained that he was not a maths teacher as such but worked in industry.I remember the subject matter he covered: SURDS and irrational numbers.

Comment by: Gary crosby on 2nd March 2019 at 21:11

I attended HAGS around 73/77r Millet was supposed to teach me physics but failed. My fault ,I was only interested in PE and sport. Also remember him in staff 5 a side football team. Yes Mr Ganley was strict but so were most of the teachers. Definitely need more like him today. I remember the day he got his new 750cc suzuki and he gave me a ride on it down to the sports field and back.Top bloke!.Other teachers that come to mind are Big Trev Snowden (headmaster).Mr Eastham,Mr Cooper (spamhead), Mr Lord (PE) Mr Butterworth,Mr Derbyshire (art), Mr Farrimond (maths), Mr Williams ( biology?).Gave me a lift to school a few times when I broke my leg playing in a inter house football match for Minataurs.Mrs Ward (had a wheelchair and taught Latin),Mrs Stansfield,Mrs McDonald (girls PE) wow!,Mrs Willas,Mrs Mc? taught English and I think lived down past the playing fields.Mr Crompton 1st 11 team manager. Staff football team consisted of Mr Crompton,Mr Millet, Mr Farrimond, Mr Williams,Mr Hanley.Anyone remember other teachers from this time?

Comment by: David Poulsom on 21st January 2020 at 17:28

I was at HAGS 1972-77. I have to say that I really didn't enjoy my time there. Quite a few on this photo were still there at least when I started. Some good teachers, some let's just say not so good.
Mr Ganley never taught me but one clear memory of his style was a group of us bumping into him in a Pub (Commercial in Westhoughton) while still a pupil. We had a chat just like normal people, no teacher/pupil nonsense. Some time later I was taking part in the school sports day. He announced over the PA system "Here's Dave Poulsom who's been training for the long jump on Tetley Bitter" I was rubbish at sports anyway, but couldn't do much for laughing. Sorry to hear about his death, he was a good bloke with an eccentric sense of humour.

Comment by: Mr Steven Dwyer on 2nd December 2020 at 15:13

Hi Jessica "ganley" Robinson your dear dad was my first French teacher when I started park high school formerly Hindley and Abram grammar school on Tuesday the 11'th of August 1981 at 8:30am thirty nine years ago yet it just seems like only yesterday he was without doubt one of the most dedicated teachers the school ever had and was an extremely hard but amazing task master who only wished for the best from all his students, the photograph of your dad with his colleagues such as Mr John cooper who also taught me woodwork right up to the 23'rd of may 1986 the day I left park high school is a fantastic glimpse into the past of the history of Hindley and Abram grammar/park high school alumni my sincere condolences to you and your family on the sad passing of your dear dad "Dieu b?nisse ton p?re".?????????????????????????

Comment by: Tim Partington on 30th March 2021 at 21:59

For Jessica ( Ganley) Robinson your dad was brilliant to me higher up the school, although terrified us as new first years. I became a secondary school PE teacher, and used a number of your dad’s methods when teaching. Not all my experiences were favourable but that was my fault not his. My wife has just told me about Wiganworld. She is reading a book by Mike Harding, the comedian, who we saw years ago in Nottingham, and he mentions a Peter Ganley, his french teacher at St Bedes in Manchester, there can’t possibly be two of them. Jessica if you want to contact me by email it’s timo.27784@outlook.com

Comment by: Mike. Fairhurst on 17th June 2022 at 18:58

Peter Ganley was a fantastic teacher and great human being,seem to remember him being Blackpool fc fan,sad to hear he passed away a few years ago.

Comment by: David Ashurst. on 17th August 2022 at 13:58

I attended 1957 to 1962. I remember Mrs Hodkinson (French), Mr Leigh (Chemistry), Mrs Holmes (English) and a few others. But for the life of me I cannot remember the music teachers name - everyone called him Basil. Can anyone help???

Comment by: Judith Clarke (née Tyrer) on 8th January 2023 at 15:08

Peter Ganley was my form teacher and taught French too. In my experience his lessons were always interesting and he had a great sense of humour. One of my favourite teachers.
Thank you for this website. It’s a real trip down memory lane!

Comment by: David Mawdesley on 14th July 2023 at 18:34

Baz's name was Dowell. By George St George it takes some grit, to slay a dragon bit by bit, who looks so fierce and fights so foul, it's scared I'd be to hear his growl.

Comment by: Gary Crosby on 19th September 2023 at 22:16

Lots of memories from my time at HAGS (1974/1979) all good. Possibly not if I was younger.Was better as a grammar school . Standards seemed higher/better than when it turned to a comp. Classmates I remember ( though I probably wouldn't be remembered as mate by most)are Geoff Billington,David Massey,Tony Duffy,Paul James,David Turner,Derick Williams (paddy),David Gregory. Should remember more but that's just from the football team. Apologies to the following girls (who probably dislike me) Sharon Kyte, her friend Lynne Bishop(On the buses?) who I really fancied) Gaynor Peach,Julie Brookfield,Dawn Pillkington (who I fancied also),Lynne 's friend Karen Marsh, Wendy Roberts? Apologies to u all .Hope u r all well

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