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Wigan Album

Hindley & Abram Grammar School, Hindley


HAGS  May 1965
HAGS May 1965
Photo: Annette Walton Lowe
Views: 9,775
Item #: 15971
John Say, form teacher 3B.

Comment by: catherine on 9th October 2010 at 16:03

why do the girls outnumber the boys??

Comment by: Netty Walton Lowe on 9th October 2010 at 16:11

Remember all these faces, but not all their names & might get some wrong:
Back: ?/Brian Parr/Winstanley/Prescott/?/Malcolm Hornby/Martin Pratt/?/Hudson (Bone)/Tony Birch/?
Middle: Brenda Prescott/Katy (Existentialistic)/Jean Ashurst/Janet Price/?Gore/Julie Lee/Joyce Gaskell/Susan ?/Norma Tattum
Front: Christine Knowles/?/Christine Blezzard/me/?/John Say/?/Christine Stabler/Susan Anderton/Lesley Mulvaney/Susan Sharrock
I'll kick miself when someone fills in the gaps!!!
Poor Mr Say didn't enjoy his time with us and left after just one year. Then in 4B we got Miss Anderton, ooer, but she wasn't half as harsh as Formosa Fanny!!!

Comment by: Stephen on 10th October 2010 at 11:20

My sister Janet Price is named on this photo but I'm pretty sure it isn't her. I'll forward the photo to her and see if she can add any more names

Comment by: Mary Sayers on 10th October 2010 at 18:37

I think I can fill in some of the gaps. Apologies if I'm introducing errors while doing so (may have got some names wrong).
Back row: Tony Ashton, David(?) Parr, Stephen Winstanley, Laurence(?) McChrystal, Michael Morris, Malcolm Hornby, Martin Pratt, Stephen Marsh?, ?, Tony Birch, Ronald Wytcherley?

Middle row: Brenda Prescott, Kathleen Walker?, Jean Ashhurst Janet Price, Mary Gore, Julie Lee, Joyce Gaskell, Susan Francis, Norma Tattum

Front Row: Christine Knowles, Gwen Evans, Kathleen Vizard, Annette Walton, Kathleen Walsh, Mr Say, Joan Murray, Christine Hannon, Susan Anderton, Leslie Mulvaney, Susan Sharrock.

Mr Say might have been a good teacher if we'd let him but we were very unkind. He stepped in for Miss Anderton when she had an operation. Miss A returned (inspiring teacher at times but had a cruel streak.

Comment by: Netty Walton Lowe on 12th October 2010 at 18:57

Mary, would you be nee Gore then? You've got a better memory than me & filled the gaps. I made some glaring errors. You prob did better with your schoolwork too!
Janet Cunningham (nee Price) & Tony Birch live/d in Appley Bridge same as me for years. Met up with loads of others at a reunion years ago. Susan Francis will never forgive me for not remembering her surname!!!

Comment by: Mary Sayers on 17th October 2010 at 15:37

Yes, I'm Mary. Hope all's well with you. I was surprised I could remember so many (that's assuming, of course, that I got the names right!). Looking back I can't help thinking that we learned in spite of HAGS rather than because of it but perhaps that's just me. Certainly things improved no end afterwards.

All the best to you. Mary

Comment by: John Hodgson on 4th November 2010 at 20:44

Anyone got the 3G photograph of this year? 'Twould be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Hodsy!

Comment by: Christine Platt (Knowles) on 16th March 2011 at 22:36

Annette - Have the photo but good to put names to faces.Poor Mr Say!I was the main perpetrator in making his life hell and regret it to this day.

Comment by: Janet Price that was on 11th October 2011 at 11:31

As I recall we were all evil to Mr Say - me included but I think Jean (Ashurst) and Norma (Tattum) pulled some particularly funny but evil tricks on the poor man - so don't beat yourself up too much - Jean felt so bad she emigrated to Austrailia in an attempt to leave her past misdimeanors behind!!! I'm still in touch with Norma, Brenda and Joan - we still talk about how badly we behaved towards Mr Say.

Comment by: Linda Fearnley (now Whittle) on 18th November 2011 at 19:02

Stephen Price you are correct, its not your sister Janet but another Janet Price. Janet was in my class (the year below).Would love to make contact with her if anyone can help

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