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Wigan Album

Hindley & Abram Grammar School, Hindley


Form 5M? - September 1971
Form 5M? - September 1971
Photo: Alison Tyrer
Views: 10,824
Item #: 10633
September 1971 - Form teacher Mr Millett

Comment by: Alison Tyrer (now Hill) on 4th May 2009 at 18:45

I'll have a go at naming those I can remember, but I hope someone will correct any mistakes and omissions....

From Left to Right:

Hazel Wadeson, ? , David Unsworth, Derek Longshaw, ? , Stephen Gallagher, Alan Mercer?, ? , ? , David Collier, Pauline Holme, Christine Sharples.

Judith Tyrer, Pamela Roberts, Maureen Croft, ? , Linda Naylor, Jeanette Dixon, Margaret Parker, Anne Young, Julie Aspinall, Ann Dawson.

Carol Bissell, Elizabeth Walford, Vivienne ? , Barbara Colwell, Mr Millett, Helen Monks, Josie Unsworth, Christine Wareing, Alison Tyrer.

Appologies to those whose names I can't bring to mind

Comment by: Roy Millett on 6th May 2009 at 14:16

Great photo, Alison. Next to Paul mercer is Malcolm Gee, I think. Is it Jill Bond between Maureen Croft and Linda Naylor?
On the front row it's Vivienne Hodson and , on the back row next to Paul Mercer, I think it's Malcolm Gee.I'm lost with the others.

Comment by: Alison Tyrer on 7th May 2009 at 21:40

Thanks Mr. Millet - very nice to hear from you! I'm not sure if you remember me but you taught me maths for a year as well as being my form teacher for four years.

You've helped jog my memory, I think it's Janet Bond not Jill. And I think the name of the girl second from the left on the back row is Linda Sullivan?

Comment by: Barbara Richardson (nee Colwill) on 8th May 2009 at 16:19

Hi Alison, yes, it is Linda Sullivan and Janet Bond. The name of the boy next to Derek Longshaw is Paul Benyon.Be nice to know what happened to everyone!! Barbara Colwill

Comment by: Alison Tyrer on 9th May 2009 at 14:31

Hello Barbara! And Thanks for adding Paul Benyon. Do you still keep in touch with Helen Monks? Sorry I didn't quite get the spelling of your surname right.

Does anyone remember if the boy in between Malcolm Gee and David Collier called David Eastham? If so I think we've named everyone. I'll try to make some time to name as many as I can remember in the other two photos. Any contributions welcome.

It would be great to know what happened to everyone. I'm hoping a few more will chip in and say hello.....

Comment by: Barbara Colwill on 10th May 2009 at 11:48

Hi Alison, Yes, I think you are right, I think that is David Eastham. I did try and e-mail you,perhaps you didn`t receive it. I am still in touch with Helen, she has been living in France for the past 24 years, she has a very good job with the Council of Europe. I am now living in Spain. I also am in touch with Carolyn Abram, who is still in Hindley Green.Hope that fills some of the gaps!I recognise a few faces from the other photos, so hopefully with Mr. Millett`s help(what a memory!) we will get them all!!!

Comment by: Alison Tyrer on 10th May 2009 at 13:04

Barbara, I did get your email and I've just sent you a reply. Lovely to hear from you! Thanks for confirming David Eastham as the last missing name.

Comment by: Carolyn Cunniffe (maiden name Abram on 10th May 2009 at 15:16

Hi Alison, got an email off Barbara yesterday and she told me that Glyn had seen this on Wigan World. I was in 5G but Mr. Millett was my form teacher in the second year. Nice to see pictures of school friends from years ago. I still see a few now and then,Helen who we have been seeing in France, Barbara who I will be seeing next week. How are you keeping not seen you for years.

Comment by: Alison Tyrer on 10th May 2009 at 19:09

Hello Carolyn, hope you're doing well. I've uploaded two other class photos and you're in both of them. Can you help with any of the names I'm struggling to recall?

Comment by: Carolyn Cunniffe on 11th May 2009 at 21:24

Is it Gillian Taylor on the back row second left, I think it might be

Comment by: carolyn cunniffe on 13th May 2009 at 11:12

Alison, I think the girl on the back row is a Gillian but Gillian Hughes who now lives in Athens, I have just been through the ex pats looking for some friends and relations of mine and she is on there.

Comment by: Judith Clarke (formerly Tyrer) on 23rd May 2011 at 03:09

Just came across this photo. Thank you Alison. How amazing to see these faces again and marvel at your memory for names! I have lived in Australia for the past 31 years. The Julie next to Ann Dawson is Julie Aspden.

Comment by: steve mulqueeney on 25th May 2011 at 22:38

Is this the Judith Tyrer that used to work at LUT Hindley in the mid 70s ? If it is then I worked with you for a while when I was 16 and had a right crush on you !

Comment by: Judith Clarke (Tyrer) on 16th June 2011 at 07:53

Yes I did work at LUT Hindley for a few years after I left Wigan Tech College. I worked for George Livesey, and George Crofts also worked there then. These are the only names I can remember though. Oh,and Mavis who used to come from Atherton Depot to pay the wage, Les, one of the Inspectors in the next office and Graham who worked in the office for a while. Gawd! I can't believe anybody had a crush on me! I do remember you. How are you!? What did you do after the LUT?

Comment by: Steve Mulqueeney on 19th June 2011 at 11:14

I was 16 at the time, you was 19 ( I think ) and going out with a lad called John who lived in Strangeways ( the pub, not the prison ). I left LUT in 1976 to work for Heinz foods and stayed there until we ( with wife Linda) took early retirement in summer 2008 and moved to Ontinyent, Valencia, Spain. Mostly life is really good ! How are you keeping ? If you prefer to e-mail, stemul@live.co.uk. Thanks

Comment by: paul mc on 19th October 2011 at 03:00

does anyone remember linda sullivans little brother.

Comment by: John Fields on 26th July 2022 at 15:27

Hi Judith Clarke (Tyrer)was playing around looking into the past in Hindley and saw this message from Steve Mulqueeny. Hope Australia has been good to you. I live in Munich now.

Comment by: John Fields on 26th July 2022 at 19:39

Hi Judith Clarke (Tyrer)was playing around looking into the past in Hindley and saw this message from Steve Mulqueeny. Hope Australia has been good to you. I live in Munich now.

Comment by: Judith Clarke (Tyrer) on 8th January 2023 at 15:23

Oh my goodness, John!! How are you?
Talk about a blast from the past!?
Yes I joined the rest of my family in Western Australia in 1981 after living in Cornwall for a few years.
Had to come all this way to meet a Scotsman and marry him! We’re retired now and live on a country property near the coast.
Gosh, John, I remember our first date….you met me with your leg in plaster….broke some part of it playing football, I think? I was very impressed you still turned up!
Hope you’re very happy in Munich. Lovely to hear from you.

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