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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Hindley & Abram Grammar School, Hindley


Upper Sixth Arts - September 1973
Upper Sixth Arts - September 1973
Photo: Alison Tyrer
Views: 7,843
Item #: 10632
September 1973 - Form Teacher Mr Darbyshire

Comment by: Alison Tyrer on 10th May 2009 at 18:05

I'll try adding names to this one now. Hope I'll get some help if I get stuck ......Mr. Millett, are you out there?

From Left to Right:

Susan Hayes?, Carolyn Abram, Frederick Smithson, Kenneth Bond, ? , ? , David Unsworth, Susan McIntyre.

Christina Gillatt, Barbara Colwill, Susan McSorley, Colleen Gray, Ann Dawson, Julie Aspinall, Christine Sharples, Gaye Houghton?

Alison Tyrer, Denise Priestly?, Susan Dallimore, Janet Bond, Mr. Darbyshire, Linda Naylor, Anne Young, Susan Ralph, Christine Wareing.

I'm not sure about some of those names. And does anyone know the two on the back row? I haven't the foggiest who they are.

Comment by: bill ( nee billy ) green on 11th May 2009 at 12:20

The two lads in the back row are Brian Gould and Peter Hilton, Alison. Both were from Hindley. I sat directly behind Bri on our very first day, Form 1L at HAGS in 1966 He can still occasionally be found with his old school mate Gary Bostock in The Anvil, a rather less erudite hostelry, Wigan town centre. Don't know of Peter's whereabouts.

Comment by: Carolyn Cunniffe on 11th May 2009 at 21:29

the person next to you Alison is Diane Robinson who later married John Porter

Comment by: Roy Millett on 27th May 2009 at 09:52

Not sure where Peter Hilton is now. He was badly treated at Wigan and Leigh College and left. Last time I saw him he was, if I remember right, working for the NHS somewhere i Yorkshire. Brian Gould is, I think, still teching at Oulder Hill High School in Rochdale. I did about 18 months supply work there a few years ago and used to give Brian a lift home. He was still there when I finished but I haven't seen him since. He can probably be found in The Anvil in Wigan on a Friday evening as somebody has already said.

Comment by: christine sharples on 22nd June 2011 at 11:07

Ah, the memories come flooding back.I'm pictured second from right middle row. Will post some earlier form photos from 1969.Does anyone have photos of playing fields opposite Leyland Park, particularly changing pavilion (remember those cold showers and the plumbing) Also any sports day or hockey games. Remember the "ben labs" and walking in twos on the pavement to dining room. Anyone know where I could get my hands on one of the girls' felt hats - my mum kept mine for ages but can't seem to find it. I was a Centaur. Fond memories of inter-house rivalry. (tritons ,minotaurs and gryphons)

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