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Haigh Hall


Strange Patterns
Strange Patterns
Photo: DTease
Views: 2,371
Item #: 31395
I took this photo in the Plantations because the strange patterns under the bark caught my eye.
I wonder if this is natural or has it been attacked by something?

Comment by: Poet on 6th August 2019 at 09:34

The effects of wind and rain perhaps. Reminds me of the crop circles that appeared a few years ago.

Comment by: Albert.S. on 6th August 2019 at 11:26

My legs, arms, and hands, are following the same trend.

Comment by: Philip G. on 6th August 2019 at 12:30

The strange patterns could have been caused by something from within, DTease, . . . Infestation, sap-flow rate, . . .
I must admit, though, the patterns also remind me of the effects on the legs of those having sat too-close to the fire - A situation mentioned on here once, if I'm not mistaken, by a certain lady from Howfen.

Comment by: Veronica on 6th August 2019 at 14:21

Oh yes! The dreaded scorch marks down one side of the leg! Depending on which side of the fire you sat... My place was in the corner on a hand made stool - so it was the right leg. Luckily they faded years ago, but you could always tell ladies who sat by fire toasting their legs! Coal fires had a lot to answer for,...

Comment by: XPat on 6th August 2019 at 17:34

This is a boring insect , though it could be the second coming of Quartermass . I was once concerned as a young man by my mothers varicose veins , so took her to the doctor . Completely ignorant , I asked him what I thought was a perfectly logical enquiry , ‘ could they burst ? ‘
He looked at me severely and spat , ‘Yes! With a jolly good kick!,,’
He then fawned off like he had scored a winning goal , or knocked a six out of the ground at Lords . My beloved mother passed away but I continued to check the progress of my legs . So , in my eyes , this is one leg of a very fabled person in time ! Just my guess of course . I welcome your counter ..

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