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Central Park


Millennium year-Aug
Millennium year-Aug
Photo: DTease
Views: 3,148
Item #: 30682
The building of Tesco's on Central Park

Comment by: . Ozymandias. on 6th August 2018 at 21:45

Another cracking set of photos these DTease. Looking at the colour of the river Douglas here, and comparing it to the current state of the river, it would appear that the installation of the pumping station at Haigh sough on the yellow brook, and the settling ponds up on the old Alexandre opencast site....( I can never remember whether it's Alexandre or Alexander )...was a worthwhile investment. The closure of the bleachworks, from the point of view of water purity at any rate, didn't do any harm to the quality of the water either..... Not that I'd actually advocate bottling the stuff.....thinking about it though, if you did decide to bottle it, you could brand it ' CocciH2o'. Not quite as glamourous as Perrier I know, but it's surprising how quickly these names catch on, and...wait for this ... It could be sold in bottles moulded in the shape of a clog....What do you reckon mate? are we on to a winner here or what?....See you on Dragon's Den then eh?....I'll use the stairs, as I'm not comfortable with lifts, having been stuck in one overnight a while ago with Mick Byrne......only joking Mick, you know me.

Regards. Ozy.

Comment by: DTease on 6th August 2018 at 23:27

Bye Eck Ozy! an overnight stay with Byrnie The Bionic By-cyclist! We could make a fortune if we raffled that off. The good ladies of Wiganworld would be queuing up down Wallgate for a chance at that!
Ozy, how about if we called our water "Clogsweat"? I think it would fit in better with your Glass Clog theme and would go down very well with our more discerning Whippet Breeding clientele.
I will be happy to provide samples for our Dragon's Den Inquisitors should they wish to take a sip.
I must say I have a good feeling about this Ozy, in fact, my feet are bubbling as I speak even though I'm only wearing Slippers!
See you there Partner.

Comment by: Veronica on 7th August 2018 at 08:04

My abiding memory from childhood, before all the changes in Greenough St when crossing the old green iron bridge was the roaring sound of the river. It flowed fast and furiously in those days at that point,foaming and swirling over stones on the river bed and it was fascinating to watch it. Now it seems hidden with trees and vegetation and no sound at all! Perhaps the sound of traffic deadens it. I know I'm not imagining all this as many Sunday afternoons spent walking along the river would attest to it. That is one of the things I have missed most of all when looking back over the years.

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 7th August 2018 at 08:10

I'm getting all worked up about this new venture now DTease. " Clogsweat " eh?, I think that's a brilliant name for our product. I'm sure it will appeal to that Yorkshire bint that comes on Dragon's Den occasionally an' all. I'll get a few labels printed off eh?, with a picture of the by-wash up near top lock on them, and the Wutchie in the background. I find they tend to put mountain scenes like that on bottled water. I'm a bit concerned about that stuck up Deborah Meaden and that poncy Peter Jones though. They'll probably want to change the name to " Sueur de Sabot " or summat, then offer us 25 pence for 95% of the equity. That's their usual strategy. Anyway, I'll make a start on the bottling plant at the bottom of Coppull lane this afternoon while you get busy on the presentation. Maybe we could get GW involved in the venture in some capacity, what do you reckon? I wonder if his chicken herd survived the recent fires on Winter Hill?

Comment by: Poet on 7th August 2018 at 08:17

Clogsweat.Because you're worth it!

Comment by: DTease on 7th August 2018 at 08:38

I don't know about GW Ozy. I have heard rumours that he has been seen lately selling fried chicken around Horwich from a handcart.

Comment by: DTease on 7th August 2018 at 08:57

Ozy, I wonder if we could persuade Poet to run our advertising campaign? He would have to come downmarket a bit but I reckon with his talent he could lower the tone sufficiently to appeal to our level of customer.
Do you think a couple of crates of "Clogsweat" would be enough to get him on board?

Comment by: Poet on 7th August 2018 at 11:41

Lads, I'm most happy to help market the product though I think just one crate is an elegantly sufficient renumeration thanks.
I'm currently in contact with Miss Melanie ( by heck it's gorgeous) Sykes erstwhile of the Boddies ad, but she's asking a bit .
Probably more economical to get some WW lasses in for the role at this point. Regards .

Comment by: John D on 7th August 2018 at 12:47

Great photo and great fun. Just a quick 'un for Ozy - It's neither Alexander or Alexandre. It's Alexandra.

Comment by: DTease on 7th August 2018 at 14:47

Poet, in days gone by I would have been more than happy to give Miss Melanie a bit. Unfortunately, times are hard and the financial situation is such that economies will have to be made. But I'm not worried, Poet I'm sure that a volunteer will be forthcoming. Isn't that right Veronica?

Comment by: Veronica on 7th August 2018 at 16:43

I am afraid I only drink from the best crystal and definitely not from a sweaty clog! Like the proverbial glass slipper - I got lost half- way down the page!!! Carry on regardless - I'm not being roped in on this adventure- the boat trip was the last str - I mean coconut!

Comment by: Veronica on 7th August 2018 at 19:33

Ps I am a 'Laydee' after all - with connections to Lady Mabel of Haigh. Sorry to disappoint chaps!

Comment by: Julie on 7th August 2018 at 20:38

Poet , Not you as well?
A true poet , has to speak alone .

Comment by: Poet on 7th August 2018 at 21:46

Alone but not aloof I hope Julie.

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